Hi guy's..your latest recruit !!

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New member
Feb 20, 2010
Reaction score
Well I stumped up me tenner, cause what i see so far looks good.

Sounds like a friendly place with lots of knowlegable enthusiasts, but before i start picking your brains going to do a bit of reading.
I need to start a few jobs pre M.O.T:(

I've had my terrano 2 2.7 tdi 02' now for nearly 3 years. Built like a tank, never let me down.:)
Just starting to get a few moans and groans from the old girl recently, so time to get the old trolley jack out and do some investigating.

Hi there harrybilly, welcome to the site, and good luck with the mot :thumb2
Welcome to "The Funny Farm" Jools, any problems with the old truck and someone will be along with the answer !!
Welcome! Nice to have you on board! :thumb2
Thanks for the welcome guy's:D
I live in stevenage..north herts area about 20 mins from Luton