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Hi Tridexter, Have you found a solution to this problem? I have a simular problem going on (also a Zexel pump) Iam thinking its possibly the pump. Its spoilling what is otherwise a nice truck to drive. Have anyone else found a cure for this hesitation, jerkyness on a light throttle at certain revs? Tony.
Yes i found a solution my truck had a zexel pump on :doh i bought a power chip and it made it worse. So beggerd it off now got a truck with a bosch pump on :thumbs :thumbs :bow :thumbs O can it get any better LOL. Everyone to there own but if its got a zexel pump on its bad news they put this pump on the shogun and the ford ranger Just read up on them very bad news. RUBBISH. Would love to find someone that has a zexel pump on and does not get that hunting at about 1500 to 2000 rpm. sorry if its not the news you wanted to her tony. But i spent alot of time and money with vehicles with this pump on and never got to the bottom of it.
Cheers guys, mine got good performance, no smoke, good fuel consumption (approx 30 mpg) starts spot on. It only occurs on a light throttle at low revs (between 1200 to 1800rpm) Its worse if you are going up an incline say in fourth gear 35-40mph lightish throttle it jerks a lot. If you stick your foot to the floor it accelerates smoothly without jerking/hesitating will rev freely beyond 4000rpm! Tony
I think mine is pretty similar actually, when I get it fixed I might look at trying to improve this low down performance.
look at down loads... FAN on the intercooler.. at low speeds you dont get enough air through to get teh best from the intercooler.. Davemud has on efitted to his...