injector pump?????

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Jun 27, 2010
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my terrano 2.7 is ill:(. the problem is the idle speed is very low about 400 rpm and is keeps cutting out. foot flat down you would think it woud be on the rev limiter but it only revs up to 1500 rpm there is loads of blue/white smoke from the exhaust. it has been like this since i got it, thats why it was so cheap £150. now it wont even fire. i heard it was the injector pump so i got one off ebay for £109 somtimes the engine idles perfectly fine so i dont think theres anything wong with the engine itself, but the injector pump is bugered i think. my freind had a look and he took the air filter out and it then went up to 2000 rpm. about a week later it wont fire.
What about the fuel filter, you checked and changed it? I'd also consider injectors too, but I suppose you need it to start in the first place! Thing is, is the fuel pump getting fuel?

Check the filter, and also the primer pump, should be hard to press, otherwise it needs priming before you run the engine...

Also on yours, banjo filter, see downloads!
to me .....( i know nuffin ) .... blue smoke in a diesel doesnt sound too good , but like i said i know nuffin lol
is it using a lot of oil ? , have you checked the level recently ? , is it using water ? ..... any contamination on the filler cap ? .... any bubbles in the header tank ?
For what it's worth start with the cheapest and easiest first.

Look at the downloads section in Quick Links for the Mini filter or Banjo Filter. I've heard of your symptoms before and it turned out to be that pesky little filter.

Has your main fuel filter been changed lately? could be a faulty seal letting in air.

Also the leak off pipes on the injectors have a rubber bung fitted, this perishes with age and lets in air.

agreed with posts so far, easiest first, wont take long. the fuel drain off pipes a good one too, tiny bit fiddly so dont drop it when you unplug it.

blue smoke aint good, so check the turbo as best you can, and perhaps consider an engine clean too as blue smoke often means internal faults etc..

just fitted the injector pump and she runs and revs fine. No smoke. thanks for the help everyone!!!!!!!!!:lol:lol:lol:lol:lol:lol