Hello from North Wales

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Animal Mother

New member
Sep 8, 2016
Reaction score
Hi everyone.

I've joined as I'm seriously considering getting myself a Patrol to replace my SAAB and to get back into the 4x4 world (after previously owning a Rangie and a Disco).

I'm looking primarily at a Y61 2.8 but would really like a Y61 td42t, if I ever find one.

I'll dip in now and again, probably to ask the same questions that have been asked 000's of times before.
Welcome from just over the border. Where abouts are you?
Don't forget to pay the tenner so you get full access to Briggie's jokes.
You'll get access to the full force of the site too, some proper knowledgeable folks on here.
One day I might upgrade the Terrano for a Patrol, just not yet though as the Terrano is too much fun.
Welcome from just over the border. Where abouts are you?
Don't forget to pay the tenner so you get full access to Briggie's jokes.
You'll get access to the full force of the site too, some proper knowledgeable folks on here.
One day I might upgrade the Terrano for a Patrol, just not yet though as the Terrano is too much fun.

South of Wrexham, not far from Llangollen.
I'm originally from Wrexham and ended up in Chester after a long journey. A cracking part of the world, I do a bit of camping and cycling in & around Llangollen. :thumb2
Welcome to the forum, Y61 td42t do from time to time pop up on ebay but as you expect command quite a high price.
Welcome bud, another Trol owner here :thumb2

Like Fez says Y61 4.2s are a rare beast, mostly imports although you see the odd engine conversion from either the 2.8 or 3.0.

Love my 3.0 Trol, and have no concerns or issues with my ZD30 engine now I've pretty much got it the way I want it although given the cash I'd swap in a 4.2 engine in a heartbeat :naughty
Morning and welcome.
Trol's are awesome .
Trolling round will aways put a smile on your face.