Hello & first request for help

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Kay Ess

have just inherited or rather reluctantly been given my son's Terrana - he has moved on to a great beast of a mitsubushi pajero! Unfortunately one of the wings was black have been replaced. We purchased what we thought was the same colour - I didn't realise the code was inside the engine and relied on his advice (ignoring the fact that he is colour blind with reds being a particular problem) I now have a bright red wing when in actual fact (a point I did make at the time) the car is a red pearlised colour. Having ascertained that I need AP0 code paint - the only place I have managed to find any is on line with a can of basecoat and clearcoat costing in total nearly £40!!! Can anyone point me in the right direction for that paint which is not so costly? It would be much appreciated.:bow
try ebay, thay do any colour spray cans i think.

search for terrano. terrano paint. or just the colour code might work.
