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Dec 20, 2012
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yes its not a terry problem but it has got one of my terrys batteries on it lol.:D
following on from my terrys for sale post.
if you read that to catch up you will get the gist.
problem battery drain when left over a few days.
done this so far.
made sure no lights in or out left on.
no radio left on.
changed the battery to a known good one,awaiting for update from him.
if it stays up problem solved if not we will look further.
what i have said to him,not a good mechanical brain i point out,with every thing off pull out each fuse one at a time noting name or number where the fuse is,then put back and listen for the tell tail crack of power going through it.
do this to every fuse he can find.
there is bound to be at least 1 because his car alarm radio will draw.
if more than one find out what it does via web etc.
if its not that important remove it and leave to see if battery goes flat or not.
in my caravan i have a plug in meter that goes into a fuse holder and measures the currant going through ut i am not there till thursday then not back till i have finished painting my green terrys wings.
so if amongst us does anyone know i no what that is please shout out ta.
i will help because he now has the blue terry.
Disconnect the alternator plug and measure the current drain before and after.
We had a fiesta that drained the battery overnight, on inspection there was a 4 amp drain.

A diode in the diode block had failed, causing the drain.

One option to eliminate anyway lol.
Alternator drain

Disconnect the alternator plug and measure the current drain before and after.
We had a fiesta that drained the battery overnight, on inspection there was a 4 amp drain.

A diode in the diode block had failed, causing the drain.

One option to eliminate anyway lol.

I would endorse Rustics comments. I had a similar drain on my old Terrano r3mR it would drain if not used every day and during the day in the summer. Had battery tested all ok. A month or so later the battery light came on and found the alternator rectifier pack had fried.

After fitting the repaired alternator had to fit a battery a couple of months later probably due to the alternator putting out AC to the battery over a period of time as it deteriorated.
bit like the starter module fk up the starter i had then.better watch as i do not want my terry battery fk up.:thumb2