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Jeep out of frying pan into fire be careful ?

I did slide under Banshee, but to be honest it looked remarkably clean to me! There was some rust that I presumed to be surface rust because it looked (at least to my untrained eye) no worse than my car which has never even had an advisory for rust.
I've just come back from the garage and I'm livid! It turns out the cracked windscreen was caused by the chassis flexing because of the level of corrosion. I'm so angry that the seller watched me put my grand-daughter into that car and drive off.
He's refusing to answer the phone to me now, I get his missus answering, stating he's not there, then slipping it onto speakerphone so he can hear what I'm saying.
Thanks to Google cache I've collected loads of evidence that he's actually a trader, not a private seller. These days you have to go through Citizen's Advice to be referred to Trading Standards, so I've done the first bit and I'm hoping that TS get back to me (it's purely at their discretion :eek: ).
I still don't have too much hope of recompense, but I'm going to make sure that I'm a thorn in that guy's side for as long as he's selling cars.
On the plus side, I've located a Grand Cherokee 4.0L (lpg) and the guy (a mechanic) wants the Terrano in the deal because he'll weld it himself and put it to work on a farm. He's also willing to put a new ticket on the GC.
The garage quoted me £700 just for the welding - and those are backstreet prices for an old friend!

That's bad news is he local to you or too far to pay him a visit ?

Just a word of warning the Jeep Grand Cherokee will in all probability cost you a fair bit in maintenance depending how old it is and if it's a WJ series or older. Give you an idea my WJ 2.7 CRD XS model is an early 2005 registered. We bought it in Jan 2015 with FSH and 69-70 k on the clock. Now done 102k and has cost £2300 in service & repairs including tyres. Main costs this year have been on the suspension.

There are others on here who have run Jeeps or have LPG conversion experience. My son-in-law had a LPG conversion on his Audi A8 and it never seemed to run right. I think there is a wide range of conversions and quality with LPG. Don't forget you can't use Eurotunnel with LPG vehicle.
Thanks maca'
I've now bought a 2005 Kia Sorento 3.5 v6 auto with an LPG conversion. It's a lovely car, drives like new but was owned by a painter/decorator so the leather has splashes of white paint dotted around and the car stinks strongly of paint thinner (currently trying the ground coffee trick as we speak). I'm hoping I'll have better luck this time, still wondering what to do for the best about the Terrano though.
Apparently you can't actually speak to Trading Standards these days, you have to go through Citizens Advice, who then refer you to TS, and you just have to wait and see if they contact you.
In an ideal world, I'd think a rogue trader posing as a private seller who sold and watched a man load a 7yr old child into a deathtrap would peak the interest of TS, sadly I fear we don't live in that world these days. I suspect that a small claim against him will only be me throwing good money after bad (been down that route before, and if he knows the law he'll know just how toothless the system is). He's selling under a few pseudonyms too, so when I finally pin down which one is his real name I'm going to make sure that he's well publicised.
drive it to his place block his access take wheels of it spray paint terrano with slogans about the death trap he sold you so every one knows take local press with you :augie
Direct Action not for everyone.

drive it to his place block his access take wheels of it spray paint terrano with slogans about the death trap he sold you so every one knows take local press with you :augie

I agree with your sentiments but I just could not do it I lack the courage!
Urgent advice

Could do with a bit of urgent advice if anyone's about?
I put my wreck up for sale on ebay at £650, because there seem to be a few non-runners up at around that price, and I've just been offered £500 to take it tomorrow. I'm just wondering if they are genuinely fetching 6 - 700 as doer-uppers? Have you any experience with this... don't really want to be out of pocket £200, but a bird in the hand, as they say