I am not saying people should do what I do cos I know most could not, I am saying please do not quote elf and safety to me as I am not interested, I do now what I have always done, if you shy at it then fine, we are not all built the same, until recently I would walk without restraint along a building ridge two or three stories high, cannot now as knees give out getting there, but you see where I am coming from, never worn a seat belt either, but that is a different story, except when banger racing, full race harness but then we were out there to be hit or to hit, and yes hit the wall head on at 30 mph but it did not hurt as harness designed for it, on the other side of the coin in well over a million only serious prang I have had fortunately trucks at the time did not have belts, I was KO by an object through the windscreen and slumped over the wheel when the truck went onto its side it slammed into a bridge support but by then I was well down below the dash, the bridge support took the top of the cab off at dashboard level, had seat belts been around I would not be here, call me lucky, call me gifted, I call skill, best regards, Rick