Green laning weekend - YORKSHIRE DALES - 28/29/30 Sept

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hummingbird said:
Can everyone please reconfirm that they are still coming please, cos I need to confirm numbers with the campsite now we are so few.

Just bumping it up for you Simon, as its not long now and I'm sure there maybe someone who has missed it or maybe still wants to attend. Have a good weekend and I'll see you soon.
I'm setting off in about 5 or 10 mins, if there are any late comers who fancy joining us, there are pitches available at the caravan/camp site or just come along for the day on either Saturday or Sunday. Just give me a call so we can meet up, if you've not got it Mav and Cameraman have both got my number, just PM them for it - hope to see you there.
Well quite a weekend.

Dinky got up to Fearby first on the thursday, we didn't make it till sometime after lunch on Friday

Cosmic (good to meet you, Steve, Lisa , M & M) were next on the scene and then my stister, Bro inlaw and their clan, tuned up about 9.00. After a few refreshments we all retired to prepare for the coming days laning.

First off was the trip to 4x4AT's open day, a bit too much bling for my taste but we watched a bit of the Aussie video showing of some winch challenge event and completed their competition quiz before heading for the first lane.

This was a bit more over grown that last time I used it about 15 years ago and I go the loppers out at one point but on the whole it was ok.

Then over towards Hawes for Priest Bank, a nice easy old roman road before dropping into Hawes it'self for lunch at the Wensleydle Cheese Visitors Centre, cheese and Ice Cream all round before heading off via the ford at Gayle for ?????? which proved to be the first of the more challenging lanes, a ford and a a rocky climb that needed low box, a bit of a baptism of fire for Cosmic but he managed very well.

Then Cam High Road, part of the same roman road as Priest Lane and we left the Roman road there to head for Marsett where we crossed Raydale to Stalling Busk, no less than 3 fords including one where you travel along the river, before another rocky climb that again needed low box.

Here we joined a long by way that crossed the moor tops leading us to upper Wharfedale, we passed an L200 on this lane, the one of one 2 other 4x4s we'd see on the lanes all weekend.

A drive down the valley to Kettlewell, then up Coverdale to Horsehouses, where we headed off road again over the "pass" between Great Haw and Little Whernside to Scar House Reservoir. This proved to contain my only scary moment of the trip, traveling down a steep and deeply rutted decent I decided I really need to be over to the left, unfortunately the rear of my truck didn't agree so we descende the rest of the slope somewhat sideways, but fortunately the correct way up. Everyone learnt by my mistake stuck to their line and got down trouble free.

Crossing the dam at Scar House was like something from the final scenes of Star Wars, I just couldn't get my targeting computer to work, but red 2 had my rear all the way across.

But now for the really interesting bit, the climb up from Scarr House to Howe Steam Gorge, wow, that was brilliant I'll be back for more of that, the other way next time just to be different I think. This brought us back into Nidderdale and Lofthouse. Here I sped off to Pateley bridge for fuel whilst the others wet back to the camp site. I was out of LPG and had very little of my 20 litres of petrol left. I arrived at the garage to find him locking up the pumps and taking the figures for the day, fortunately he unlocked the pumps and I gave the Mav a well earned drink before heading back.

As I had to leave a little early I'll let someone else tell the story of Sunday, but just like Cosmic on Saturday, Sweety broke is duck in good style today and I hope in them we have 2 new converts to green laning.

It was good to meet you both and your families, we'll have to do it again sometime soon.

Some Piccies HERE
Well,What can i say!!!


We have arrived home safe and sound,from one of the best weekends i have had in a long time!
Thanks to Simon -wor- and Neil -wor- for organising and looking after us on the weekend,it was nice to put faces to names.
Both myself and my other half(she who must be obeyed!!) really enjoyed the whole experience and look forward to doing it all again,as soon as possible!
Will get pics in gallery as soon as i can.

Is there anyway we can put the video on the site??

Thanks again for a great time!

Steve & Family.
Glad you all had a good weekend, was thinking about you yesterday, when my disco was still not ready for use!!

Hope I can be there next time, photos look good Simon, some nice axle articulation .

real pleased you all had a great time.
simon i have a can with a drop of petrol due you need to borrow it. :p
great to read you have made some more converts to green laning.
pleased you had good weather for it .
se you soon.
cameraman said:
photos look good Simon, some nice axle articulation .

Spring wasn't quite disclocated but there was no weight on it, could waggle it about on its seat, need longer shocks and then might need cones, my shocks are knackered so as I never got a price off the place I was trying, looks like its Pro Comps for me.
Well what can I say :roll:
What a great day we had even thow my free wheeling hub played up :lol: It was great to put faces to names & to meet you all for the 1st time & second time for comic :smile: Hummingbird thanks for kicking the end cover back onto my side steeps after I took the line a bit wrong on the little rock crawl :lol: I think Neil won the little water splash at the end of the day today :smile: Well we had to try & remove some of the cow pats we had all picked up on the last section -rotfl- -rotfl- -rotfl-
Diane hopes the cookies & pies were ok for you's when we stopped for lunch :smile:
Nice photo's Cosmic :smile: Did you manage to get 1 of Neil going through the ford :roll: as the 1 we've got is of the road as Diane dived out of the way before she got splatered -rotfl- -rotfl- -rotfl-
Hi neil,yip just added it,i'll go through them to see what i missed out :lol: :lol:
Simon/Neil Thanks for organising a good 2 days out.Have to do again when its a bit warmer at night so we can have a bbq.Now to wash my terrano ,got a lot of funny looks coming down the a1 towing caravan.Nice to put faces to nicknames ,so hope to see you all soon. Any one who took pictures last weekend can you send me them so i can putt on ipod,Dinky