getting the engine returned

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Feb 21, 2010
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hopefully it seems everything is all taking place and briggie and sally look soon to be reunited,can we make sure definate arrangements are made to get the engine returned ,firstly to get it out of pete and swiftys road and secondly there usually is a time limit for them to be returned
lol i think ive made a slight mistake that will be rick not pete lol lol
a very good offer from tony to help out any connections at your end pete(right name this time) with a fork lift
a very good offer from tony to help out any connections at your end pete(right name this time) with a fork lift

with all due respect , what good is a engine to me here , even if i could get a forklift ? ... surely its better back at pauls ? :nenau
nissan first ( where we got the engine from ) said in their ad that they would deliver to mainland uk for around £50 ( as far as i remember .... correct me if wrong please ) ..... if they can deliver for that , wouldnt it be a idea to find out how or who with they can do that ? :nenau
I thought the engine was to go to pauls to be returned to wherever or have i missed something.
our problem is we have a engine at ricks ( solarman ) in essex , which needs to go to bat 21 ( paul ) in shrewsbury , and not to me
with all due respect , what good is a engine to me here , even if i could get a forklift ? ... surely its better back at pauls ? :nenau

I've watched these threads with increasing incredulity and I can't keep my mouth shut any longer.

For someone in your circumstances, your choice of vehicle was ridiculous. Your place of purchase was also ridiculous. The way you paid for it, given the choice of Paypal or kiss-me-goodbye cash was ridiculous. Your management of the aftermath was ridiculous and its only due to the good nature of the people on this site that you've had well in excess of £2000 worth of work done for nothing so far.

Meantime you've got better things to spend your own money on like getting your freakin CB retuned? Thats when your not collecting the rent on the 'family' holiday home.

So my message to you my friend is that if you can't stick your hand in your pocket to the tune of £50 and get that engine moved yourself, your an even bigger clown than I thought.
i would have it lifted by a courier and delivered straight to nissan first saves any hassle, briggie im well aware of where the engine is to go to
thats well harsh frankly. Pete made a mistake from the offset and he knows it. All he asked for was advice on fixing the issue, not for everyone to jump in with money and offers of new engines etc. We have offered to help Pete out, and out of respect to us AND of course gratitude, he's accepted. Pete is certinaly not made of money, and the little he spent on sorting his CB out is a drop in the ocean compared to the costs of getting his car fixed at a garage. And also, his vehicle choice is perfectly reasonable frankly for a chap in his condition, I understand your point, but its badly misplaced. If you didnt want to help out you should have stayed out of it, because Pete doesnt deserve the outburst you just posted. I think you have got the wrong impresion of Pete.

I've seen hundreds of people, just like pete, driving similar vehicles, why the hell shouldnt he have one? He saved up his money for a long time, got duped, then got helped out by us, and I tell you now, thats not his FAULT or choosing, hes offered time and time again to help out financially where he can and he has, but like the rest of us he doesnt have hundreds of pounds ready to go. and also, if you have been reading the threads, you will have noted his offers here and there of money to help out, the point is he thought, we thought, there was money in the pot for this, Im confident the cost of moving that engine is covered.

your suggestions that Pete is a free loader is very offensive and wrong pal and you have really hurt his feelings. Have you met the guy? NO, so dont judge him. im seriously fecked off.
Ok lets not fall out here but Lacroupe does have a strong point.

Clivvie, I have not seen it said that Briggie is a freeloader but I have to say (having been flat on my arse financially in the past never again its horrible) , his choice of vehicles are somewhat bizarre and imho not the most practical of solutions when your back is against the wall, having seen the many comments and his requirements Im pretty certain he doesn't need to buy a truck, there's the mobility scheme. But it is a free world.

The CB retune outlay did actually raise an eyebrow. Looking aftert he pennies and all of that. But ones perfect.

Anyway can I suggest that a halt is called to all proceedings for at least the next 24hrs so a few phone calls can be made and a strategy sorted.

As I see it it needs sorting how much dosh will be in the pot once the money is refunded by the engine seller.

Then it can be calculated how much will go to 1/Rick 2/the courier to shift the engine (no chew, pick up, drop off)

Once those reimbursments are made the balance has to be dealt with. Perhaps open a thread for a week asking for suitable charities, if there are no dissenters then a further poll for a week featuring those nominated charities.

Cash goes to or between the ones with the most votes.

Case closed and threads locked.
Sorry dave and sorry lacroupade, I was between texts and chat with pete who was really upset by this whole thing. He was worried about the whole costs thing and of course very sensitive to the points raised, which I do appreciate I do, but my point was pete had gone and done it, and wasn't in a position to back track, which were the points he made way back when all this began. I know it hasn't been said that pete is a free loader, but it's been translated that way. I just think that the post us harsh, it's like having a go at the wife for letting herself get talked into buying a bigger washing machine than can be afforded, it's done now, what pete needs is support, not having his confidence knocked. I'm not falling out, I ranted, so I apologise.
No problem and absolutely no need to apologise :thumb2 its a free world (at the minute ;) )

My main concern is what happens next. If Briggie tried to raise cash by selling a cb and only managed a few quid what happens when the truck needs working on? All itll take is one tyre to blow or be beyond economic repair and he'll be absolutely stuck by all appearances and accounts :nenau

I was chatting with someone (well more than one actually) the other day who has mobility problems and essentially i dont know why Briggie doesnt go for mobility allowance because then he will get a suitable vehicle supplied or at least partially funded based on problems and circumstances he has outlined :nenau that question for me is a bit of a stumbling point.

As a lay person the reason I am well aware of this info is because my mother in law suffered a debilitating stroke in December 2009 and prior to her untimely death in February this year my wife and I had to do an awful lot of research into her coming home plan, which of course involved what we would have to supply and how the welfare system would assist or provide other elements.

She was not wealthy and I can tell you if you are prepared to be pig headed and persistent its out there for the taking if you are genuine. You just need to get past the anti scrounger measures.

I am extremely sympathetic to Briggies plight.

I was actually going to contact Bat to try and voice my concerns but quite frankly I didnt want to appear to be Mr Nasty. One thing I can assure you of though is there are others out there who for decent big hearted motives are concerned too. They just dont want to stick their heads into the firing line and I dont blame them.
Clivvy there is absolutely no need to apologise. You are as entitled to your opinions as we all are and I respect that.

I simply speak as I find and I'll leave you with this thought.....

Briggie (and lets not let the fact that he's got medical problems stop me calling a spade a spade) has, by his own admission, an extremely serious condition that has already resulted in three heart attacks and very significant physical disability.

So what if he's been cleared to drive? - what happens the next time he's out on a crowded public highway, driving two tons of killing machine, with his three grandkids in the back, and has another heart attack. Pity the poor soul that gets in the way of that scenario - or the children.

Its not just the financial undercurrent here, its his irresponsibility that gets to me. Its one thing - and admirable - being self-sufficient but another entirely to put people needlessly at risk. There is more than one way to skin a cat.

Anyway, enough of that and lets just make sure the people who have put themselves out so incredibly here are properly treated.:)
Anyway can I suggest that a halt is called to all proceedings for at least the next 24hrs so a few phone calls can be made and a strategy sorted.

As I see it it needs sorting how much dosh will be in the pot once the money is refunded by the engine seller.

Then it can be calculated how much will go to 1/Rick 2/the courier to shift the engine (no chew, pick up, drop off)

Once those reimbursments are made the balance has to be dealt with. Perhaps open a thread for a week asking for suitable charities, if there are no dissenters then a further poll for a week featuring those nominated charities.

Cash goes to or between the ones with the most votes.

Case closed and threads locked.
I have just spoke to Nissan1st, returning the engine will incur a 25% handling charge so, we will be getting back £220.31, this will leave £300 in the pot. Rick has already been reimbursed for the items needed to get Pete's truck back on the road

I will talk to Rick later and see if he can sort out a courier to return the motor, I think this will be the wisest option due to the engines weight. Once the engine is back at Nissan1st and the refund issued we can then decide what happens to the excess funds, Ricks fuel costs for initally picking up Pete's truck being a priority.
ahhh poo, now i feel a right prat. i've completely misinterpretted your comments i think, like i say, i was speaking to Pete at the time who was really upset :(

i totally appreciated what you are saying, well, did in the first place except now i understand where you are coming from ...:eek:
I have just spoke to Nissan1st, returning the engine will incur a 25% handling charge so, we will be getting back £220.31, this will leave £300 in the pot. Rick has already been reimbursed for the items needed to get Pete's truck back on the road

I will talk to Rick later and see if he can sort out a courier to return the motor, I think this will be the wisest option due to the engines weight. Once the engine is back at Nissan1st and the refund issued we can then decide what happens to the excess funds, Ricks fuel costs for initally picking up Pete's truck being a priority.

Bang on :thumb2