thats well harsh frankly. Pete made a mistake from the offset and he knows it. All he asked for was advice on fixing the issue, not for everyone to jump in with money and offers of new engines etc. We have offered to help Pete out, and out of respect to us AND of course gratitude, he's accepted. Pete is certinaly not made of money, and the little he spent on sorting his CB out is a drop in the ocean compared to the costs of getting his car fixed at a garage. And also, his vehicle choice is perfectly reasonable frankly for a chap in his condition, I understand your point, but its badly misplaced. If you didnt want to help out you should have stayed out of it, because Pete doesnt deserve the outburst you just posted. I think you have got the wrong impresion of Pete.
I've seen hundreds of people, just like pete, driving similar vehicles, why the hell shouldnt he have one? He saved up his money for a long time, got duped, then got helped out by us, and I tell you now, thats not his FAULT or choosing, hes offered time and time again to help out financially where he can and he has, but like the rest of us he doesnt have hundreds of pounds ready to go. and also, if you have been reading the threads, you will have noted his offers here and there of money to help out, the point is he thought, we thought, there was money in the pot for this, Im confident the cost of moving that engine is covered.
your suggestions that Pete is a free loader is very offensive and wrong pal and you have really hurt his feelings. Have you met the guy? NO, so dont judge him. im seriously fecked off.