As posted a while back my gearbox started making bad noises so I decided I would take it out and strip it. Its been an off/on job but finally got it out last weekend. I did it on the drive by myself (20 year old son nowhere to be seen!) with the front end on axle stands. I found it straight forward enough. I removed th transfer box first to reduce the weight.Most awkward bits were removing starter motor top bolt and bell housing top bolts (not looking forward to putting them back in).
With the gearbox opened up thought I would investigate the oil level issue that gets mentioned. I have read its the layshaft bearings that make noise due to them being starved of oil, thats not the case as they are at the bottom and fully submerged in oil. Its the driven/drive shaft bearings that are only just in the oil if the box is filled to the fill plug level.
First time I've tried inserting photos so hope this works.
First image shows bell housing on inside, you can see fill plug on the right, if you look down to the driven shaft bearing housing it is very close to the fill level:
I set the gear assembly level on the bench and measured about 12.5mm to where the oil level would be:
The measurement to the bottom of the bearing is 13.5mm ??
The measuring is not that accurate but it does show the oil level at the fill plug is to low to give good lube to the drive shaft bearings (especially if you are going up steep hill)
Hope this is of interest and it does prove that the gearbox need that extra oil putting in.
With the gearbox opened up thought I would investigate the oil level issue that gets mentioned. I have read its the layshaft bearings that make noise due to them being starved of oil, thats not the case as they are at the bottom and fully submerged in oil. Its the driven/drive shaft bearings that are only just in the oil if the box is filled to the fill plug level.
First time I've tried inserting photos so hope this works.
First image shows bell housing on inside, you can see fill plug on the right, if you look down to the driven shaft bearing housing it is very close to the fill level:
I set the gear assembly level on the bench and measured about 12.5mm to where the oil level would be:
The measurement to the bottom of the bearing is 13.5mm ??
The measuring is not that accurate but it does show the oil level at the fill plug is to low to give good lube to the drive shaft bearings (especially if you are going up steep hill)
Hope this is of interest and it does prove that the gearbox need that extra oil putting in.