fuel strike ..... your views ?

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I have to say I am not sure about now but not too long ago fuel tanker drivers were to my mind over paid and over protected I speak as an ex trucker, Rick
I have to say I am not sure about now but not too long ago fuel tanker drivers were to my mind over paid and over protected I speak as an ex trucker, Rick
£35k a year to haul round 29 tonnes of highly explosive liquid with all the flippin muppets out there on the road seems a reasonable salary to me.

The chemical/Fuel transport sector of road haulage has a very good safety record, I can see this diminishing very quickly.
The fuel duty should be keeping the country going but is actually having opposite effect. The more the fuel costs means that every possible thing we buy also costs more until we get to point where we cant afford to run the car because we need the extra cash to pay for food etc. Not running our cars means LESS duty paid to our beloved leaders.
Lower fuel costs would encourage us to drive more and spend more in the shops which would result in more revenue overall
The fuel duty should be keeping the country going but is actually having opposite effect. The more the fuel costs means that every possible thing we buy also costs more until we get to point where we cant afford to run the car because we need the extra cash to pay for food etc. Not running our cars means LESS duty paid to our beloved leaders.
Lower fuel costs would encourage us to drive more and spend more in the shops which would result in more revenue overall

and since the 1950's we have been encouraged to live out of ton and commute in, and to shop in out of town malls, etc. etc. all of these things are fuel dependant
its ok by me if it goes up a we bit more.. i now get 50 mpg:D and if others cant afford to run there vehicles the the roads will be clearer and i wont have to stop and start as much:lol:lol

joking aside there are people who depened on there vehicle like briggie and my lad. without the car my lad can not go anywhere..

cant afford to run a car and cant afford not to have a car.. im on a hidding to nothing lol
The problem is, fossil fuel is not an infinite commodity.

The exponential growth of the human race on this planet and it’s ever increasing hunger for fuel means it is going to run out sooner rather than later…. and the only way to curb use is to increase its price, £10 a gallon won't be far away... closely followed by scenes akin to those from Mad Max :sly

I blame those with more than 2.3 kids for all this schit myself :doh
The problem is, fossil fuel is not an infinite commodity.

The exponential growth of the human race on this planet and it’s ever increasing hunger for fuel means it is going to run out sooner rather than later…. and the only way to curb use is to increase its price, £10 a gallon won't be far away... closely followed by scenes akin to those from Mad Max :sly

I blame those with more than 2.3 kids for all this schit myself :doh

yet the birthrate in Britain is falling and an ageing population is creating a pensions and healthcare crisis. More complicated than you think!

and didn't Mad Max eat dog food?
wish I had a car that did 50mpg...wish I could actually afford to buy one, that did Mpg...

I'm, having to get rid of yet another of my favourite cars because I cant afford the fuel/tax or insurance. I need to try and replace it with either economy, or be defiant and buy a convertable. Either way I aint giving up my Maverick.
I like the idea of removing car tax completely and upping the tax on fuel, the more you use it, the more you pay. Scrap no win, no fee lawyers and "some one is to blame for your stupidity" types and maybe insurance will come down.

Can you tell I run on Veg?:clap
I think it's wrong.. As i we're not busy enough with the likes of Afghan and dealing with the Olympics we now have to man Fuel Tankers as well! It's extremely difficult for a soldier to join the Fire Brigade once he leaves the army as they believe we crossed the picket line when we had to man the Green Goddesses, as if we had any choice!!

For God and the soldier we alike adore, In times of trouble, not before!
The troubles gone, and all things righted, God is forgotten and the soldier slighted."
- Rudyard Kipling
I do think that most soldiers join to protect their country and not to be used as a political tool as the government see fit. Using the Army in a union fight seems absurd!
Of course losing a days takings on fuel duty at the pumps is quite a large sum!! :eek: Perhaps if motorists went on strike for one day the government might reconsider their position.
we should have a poll. Who's car on here does more than 25mpg ?

Depends which one.
2CV = 45mpg
BX diesel = 50mpg
Wife's (proper) Mini = 50mpg
Maverick = 20mpg.

Mustard mitt, I've not been driving the Maverick so much lately...
I think the goverment r mad! I cannot see how keeping fuel duty at the same rate or higher benefits anyone!

1. higher fuel duty means less of ur can afford to run our cars to get to work or anywhere else
2. small business will suffer in delivery terms
3. to holiday in the uk is dearer than to fly abroad
4. large businesses will push up prices due to the increase in fuel & to protect they're profits meaning we buy less
5. putting more in our cars means we have less to spend elsewhere
6. live outside of a city like myself n u have little choice but to have a car
7. hobby sports will suffer i.e. offroading, any motor sport or any u need to travel to

its absolutly nuts! personally I think if u smoke, drink or are obese u should pay your own medical bill if it is related causes, i.e. type 2 diabetes cos ur obese, liver disese cos u drink or lung cancer cos u smoke. but thats my opinion.

they need to cut the social benefits bill more than what they already are too. for exapmle i know a girl who get 1400 per mth :eek: b4 her child benefit and tax credits for a physical disability that I have never noticed, the girl has a horse n can work as quick and as able as anyone else! but yet a single mum or single person gets max of £71pw! (ur tax cradits and child ben are for ur kids) Its bloody madness!

they got it all wrong put me in parliment n i'll take no prisioners! :sly
Hah, might even get me vote Melissachels! - maybe we should have a separate Scotland after all, then our politicians can make their own screw ups :doh
I guess if we're going extreme, put poison in fags and supply pure heroin to the streets and that'll clear up a load off the NHS! After all they warn that cigarettes will kill you, so why not speed it along a bit!

Hmmmm, getting a bit close to building efficient railways and 'special' shower blocks :eek:
.... Mustard mitt, I've not been driving the Maverick so much lately...

I think the goverment r mad! I cannot see how keeping fuel duty at the same rate or higher benefits anyone!
It's not designed to benefit anyone, it's a way of forcing Joe Public to use less fuel... see above quote from the wobbler of dollies :thumb2

If fuel was cheaper we would all be running our 4x4's as our daily motors and burning a gallon of this precious commodity every 20-25 miles.... then what happens when the worlds oil fields run out?

.... personally I think if u smoke, drink or are obese u should pay your own medical bill if it is related causes, i.e. type 2 diabetes cos ur obese, liver disese cos u drink or lung cancer cos u smoke. but thats my opinion.

they need to cut the social benefits bill more than what they already are too.

Yep :thumb2 with you all the way on those.... self inflicted illnesses shouldn't be covered by the NHS.