Fuel filter problems

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Sep 22, 2013
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Well, the good news is the orange light is out but now the truck won't run.

Just changed my fuel filter (Unipart) as now running bio, however now the truck won't run, pumped and bleed it but still not running.

Any ideas?
Right, I'm going to refit the old one as read that some filters don't work well. But this time I'll fill with diesel not bio, hopefully this will get me back on the move.

Any other advice appreciated.

What are the best fuel filters to buy?

I would use Nissan or Mahle.

Had bad experience with Boschi Oil Filter from M.o.R. threw the fuel filter in the bin as a consequence (new bits came with my old r3mR with M.o.R. receipt).

That said the M.o.R. rear suspension bushes were OK.
Right, this hasn't worked. Taking a lot of turns to starts then runs for 10 seconds and stops. Is this air in the system? I'm bleeding by pumping then opening the white plastic turn screw, air is coming out, do I just need to keep doing this until the air stops?

Any help would be appreciated as I need to get back on the road.

certainly sounds like air, but could also be a blockage, was it running OK before you changed the filter, Rick
It's was running fine Rick, the orange light had come on for water in the fuel filter, and I was due to change filters anyway.
Not sure if this is correct, but I only pump, I do not open the white screw at the bottom, as I thought that was just used to drain any water out.

It takes a lot of pumps to get it hard the first time, then when it goes hard, I crank it over a few times, then re-pump until hard again, I usually find it starts on the 3rd time.
its either air in the system ( do you have white smoke out of exhaust ? ) ...or a fuel blockage of some sort ...... you could try a gravity feed to your filter to eliminate most things ..... or another thought is have you checked if you have a mini filter ?
Not sure if this is correct, but I only pump, I do not open the white screw at the bottom, as I thought that was just used to drain any water out.

It takes a lot of pumps to get it hard the first time, then when it goes hard, I crank it over a few times, then re-pump until hard again, I usually find it starts on the 3rd time.

There's the best answer you'll get mate :D

100% air in the fuel, the light you were getting would certainly have been because of water in the fuel, since you've replaced the filter that light has gone out confirming that it was def that.

Make sure that your filter is nice and tight mate, unscrew the white bleed screw on the back of the primer and then pump up and down until all you get come out is pure fuel. Once you've done that pump down and hold, whilst holding down, screw bleed screw back in, and then once bleed screw is tight release the primer slowly.

The again pump a few more times until it is solid if it doesn't go solid, turn the truck over and whilst it's running pump the primer as fast as you can until it goes hard

As said it will take a few times for it to prime correctly, trust me mate once you've done it once you've done it 1000 times :D
Also for future reference and diagnosis you could replace the feed and return from the filter with clear pipe to see whats coming in and out and whether you have any air in the fuel or whether you are getting any fuel at all!!!!

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Right, this hasn't worked. Taking a lot of turns to starts then runs for 10 seconds and stops. Is this air in the system? I'm bleeding by pumping then opening the white plastic turn screw, air is coming out, do I just need to keep doing this until the air stops?

Any help would be appreciated as I need to get back on the road.


just re read this, if the white plastic screw is the one on the bottom for draining water and you are getting air out from here then my guess is the filter has not sealed air does not come out the bottom, fuel does, I would remove the front rubber pipe and press the plunger if no fuel comes out check the filter and also the inlet banjo I had a problem here a while ago with a blockage, as there is no filter on the puckup pipe in the tank, Rick
Thanks for all the advice. I'm getting white smoke, so it must be air in the system.

I'm using the white thumb screw on the side of the primer pump not the one at the bottom.

Literally spent a good 20 mins pumping last evening and bleeding and was still getting air from the white thumb screw. Could it be that the primer pump is faulty.

Replacing with clear pipe is a great idea.
Well, the saga continues. The truck now runs but not well enough to go any where. There is still air in the system. Tightened the filter as much as I can.

Had it recovered to my Dad's local garage. Is there any issues with the filter primer failing and allowing in air?

The truck was running really well before I swapped the filter so it must be either poorly sealed or the housing
Well, the saga continues. The truck now runs but not well enough to go any where. There is still air in the system. Tightened the filter as much as I can.

Had it recovered to my Dad's local garage. Is there any issues with the filter primer failing and allowing in air?

The truck was running really well before I swapped the filter so it must be either poorly sealed or the housing

I have predominately petrol cars so not had the problem first hand, but many on here have said certain makes of filter are to be avoided as there are problems sealing, so I would be looking at an alternative make or brand, Rick
Well, the saga continues. The truck now runs but not well enough to go any where. There is still air in the system. Tightened the filter as much as I can.

Had it recovered to my Dad's local garage. Is there any issues with the filter primer failing and allowing in air?

The truck was running really well before I swapped the filter so it must be either poorly sealed or the housing

primer pump can let in air or could be filter not sealing
Yep, the unipart one wouldn't seal, so I put the old one back on, but still having problems.
Finally get this sorted turned out to be weeping fuel lines letting in air..
So sorted now, thanks for the help.

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