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looking at your phots on my phone so not very clear, but you seem to be missing the brake ring from the autohub. Have a look in the manual, the workshop download, and the parts manual at nissan4u and you should be able to work out what, if anything, is missing. Good luck !
I hope that's NOT Copper Ease :augie :doh

Where are the washers :nenau

Have you completely stripped it or just taken it off :nenau
Thanks guys, it didn't look anywhere near that much copperslip when i sprayed it. Anyway, i have just priced up replacement parts and it looks like a couple of manual hubs will be cheaper.
Thanks guys, it didn't look anywhere near that much copperslip when i sprayed it. Anyway, i have just priced up replacement parts and it looks like a couple of manual hubs will be cheaper.
agreed, the best bet is manuals!
you seem to be missing all of the 'innards' brake rings, springs, circlips etc. Check the hub cleaning download for pictures.

to be fair after looking at the downloads the photos of the bits you are missing aren't all that clear, can anyone else do better?

Follow the instruction on my download as pointed out all ready.

Way too much copper slip in there, it will stop the 4x4 enguaging altogether and you will think its knackered.
Strip it all out and give it a good clean out with brake cleaner, then give it a "Light" coat of copper slip, NOT GREASE. and re-assemble it.
you may be supprised to find it works. :thumb2
Thanks for all the replies. Manual hubs on order.
Yes i did. A bit awkward to phone so i ordered online.
Follow the instruction on my download as pointed out all ready.

Way too much copper slip in there, it will stop the 4x4 enguaging altogether and you will think its knackered.
Strip it all out and give it a good clean out with brake cleaner, then give it a "Light" coat of copper slip, NOT GREASE. and re-assemble it.
you may be supprised to find it works. :thumb2

sorry, wasn't knocing your down load, for a hub service it is excellent, just the photos weren't suitable to illustrate the missing parts. sorry again :-(
sorry, wasn't knocing your down load, for a hub service it is excellent, just the photos weren't suitable to illustrate the missing parts. sorry again :-(

Plank, it never crossed my mind that you were mate :confused:. In fact i was impress someone had used my download and recomended it. :clap

I was just confirming he had way to much copper slip as people do tend to think, more is better.:lol
milners have reduced the price on hubs £46 each:thumb2
AND you can get a club discount if you go via the Four Wheel Drive Club site :sly
Don't know if you can from this site, but get your quote first, THEN ask for club discount :naughty
I got mine from Milners and they're coping well with 35s :clap
Anyone know why the hell nissan put fixed hubs on the later terranos ??

Seems like a stupid thing to do ffs, thats another reason why my fuel gets guzzled :/