fed up

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well folks , its Tuesday ...... and still no windscreen :eek:........ this is extracting the urine on a grand scale I think ....... time for another phone call :sly...... although its a Freephone number , it isn't free from my mobile ( im on holiday )
those of you on the east coast may have just heard a explosion coming from my caravan ...... it contained very very rude words :eek:......... it seems the technician didn't order a new windscreen , as he thought i was happy with the repair :doh....... suffice to say my wishes have been made VERY clear ..... waiting for a call back :augie
Widscreen woes.

well folks , its Tuesday ...... and still no windscreen :eek:........ this is extracting the urine on a grand scale I think ....... time for another phone call :sly...... although its a Freephone number , it isn't free from my mobile ( im on holiday )

This is the problem now that Autoglass and similar large firms now - they are tied in with the Insurance Companies who force them into a large discount to get the contract.

They obtain sceens from the likes of Pughs and other large National Network Warehouses who stock screens and feed them out to the fitting firms.

Often the screens do not come from the vehicle manufacturer but from other sources. With some models these have to be sourced via a dealer this adds a day or two to the supply chain as Autoglass can only stock a limited amount of model variants.

Some models have tinted glass, some have screen heaters, some have rain sensing wipers they even have different screens in some Mercs if you have auto dip rear view mirror as the mirror footprint / weight is larger.

Then of course when the screen finally arrives at any point in the chain it may be damaged and you start again !
April the 1st tomorrow...
Is this some sort of sick joke by Auto glass..

Auto glass repair...
Auto glass replace...

More like Auto glass leave you hanging around... until eventually you give up.
It's not a commercial calm down !

April the 1st tomorrow...
Is this some sort of sick joke by Auto glass..

Auto glass repair...
Auto glass replace...

More like Auto glass leave you hanging around... until eventually you give up.

Hey where is the perspective here ?

Its a damaged screen on a driveable vehicle these things happen. I have driven vehicles with a damaged screen for months on end on older vehicles.

Okay its a nice new car but it's not as if the driver is getting wet when he drives it!

I blame Mr Cameron things will change after the election. lol not
I have just counted and my windscreen has 6 chips in it of various sizes, none in drivers eyeline but no reason not to drive, wifes car has massive crack in drivers eyeline that I have been telling her to sort for about 2 months but as yet unfixed.

not clever but no reason not to drive.

Kind regards

thanks for the comments guys , the damage to my windscreen is within the arc of the wiper blade , ok its not directly in front of my vision , but I can see it ...... anyway , I finally have a appointment for them coming to fit my windscreen :clap........... Monday 6th april :rolleyes:
I can understand you Pete, sometimes having a distraction on the screen even just a smear from a squashed fly can be a distraction and enough to stop you seeing out comfortably.

Enjoy your holiday Pete
Saw on police interceptors a short while ago a guy stopped and windscreen cracked they banned him from driving it till it was fixed as they said it was a bonded screen it was a structural part of the vehicle, taking the law to the limit I say, yes even if your horn does not work it becomes an unroad worthy vehicle, what bloody tosch, the day of sensible Dixon of Dock green are long gone Rick
Police can't ban anyone only the Courts can ban you.

Saw on police interceptors a short while ago a guy stopped and windscreen cracked they banned him from driving it till it was fixed as they said it was a bonded screen it was a structural part of the vehicle, taking the law to the limit I say, yes even if your horn does not work it becomes an unroad worthy vehicle, what bloody tosch, the day of sensible Dixon of Dock green are long gone Rick

Even if a vehicle has a bonded screen that most have these days a crack in the screen does not make the vehicle dangerous.

Police Interceptors is TV entertaiment edited without any real legal checking with Coppers playing to the camera. Don't get sucked into thinking it's all actually all real and true.

Just because some Copper on the TV says it's so does not mean that it is !

Only the Courts can ban you from driving not some roadside Copper playing to the audience.
Dixon of Dock Green still lives in the real world!
Even if a vehicle has a bonded screen that most have these days a crack in the screen does not make the vehicle dangerous.

Police Interceptors is TV entertaiment edited without any real legal checking with Coppers playing to the camera. Don't get sucked into thinking it's all actually all real and true.

Just because some Copper on the TV says it's so does not mean that it is !

Only the Courts can ban you from driving not some roadside Copper playing to the audience.
Dixon of Dock Green still lives in the real world!

Of course you are right, trouble is when busy with your job/life like I am at the mo you tent to forget the real life scenerios , thanks for putting me right, Rick
they can however deem your vehicle unfit or dangerous , and demand it is taken off the road until its fixed ...... quite a different thing than banning the driver
On a lighter note.
I drove around for ages with a chip on my windscreen then a seagull ate it so all was good again :lol
Impounding Powers

they can however deem your vehicle unfit or dangerous , and demand it is taken off the road until its fixed ...... quite a different thing than banning the driver

I think you are referring to a Prohibition Notice these are usually issued at the roadside by VOSA and some Trained Police Officers depending on force policy for Goods Vehicles.

Generally the notice is forward dated to commence on a date issued on the ticket up to 10 days in advance this gives the person time to rectify the fault and to move the vehicle to a place of repair and then get the notice lifted. In exceptionally dangerous cases the notice is issued to be effective immediately needing a vehicle recovery.

For uninsured vehicles there is a power to impound vehicles and remove them from the roadside (since 2005). Previously this was done under what was called the "Ways & Means Act" but had no foundation in law.
Special powers exist for vehicles with no excise licence - to VOSA authorised officers only I believe.
I am not aware of any legislation that enables Police to impound a private car for being unfit to drive or is in a dangerous condition alone.
I have been retired since 2003 so I am open to persuasion if anyone can quote me the relevant legislation.

On a lighter note do you know the difference between Unlawful and Illegal ??

*************************The latter is a sick bird.*************** lol
Found this under the Police Reform Act 2002

Found this on the Gov UK website its OK until you get to sub-section 4 that restricts its use somewhat.
Seizure of motor vehicles

59 Vehicles used in manner causing alarm, distress or annoyance

(1)Where a constable in uniform has reasonable grounds for believing that a motor vehicle is being used on any occasion in a manner which—

(a)contravenes section 3 or 34 of the Road Traffic Act 1988 (c. 52) (careless and inconsiderate driving and prohibition of off-road driving), and

(b)is causing, or is likely to cause, alarm, distress or annoyance to members of the public,

he shall have the powers set out in subsection (3).
(2)A constable in uniform shall also have the powers set out in subsection (3) where he has reasonable grounds for believing that a motor vehicle has been used on any occasion in a manner falling within subsection (1).

(3)Those powers are—

(a)power, if the motor vehicle is moving, to order the person driving it to stop the vehicle;

(b)power to seize and remove the motor vehicle;

(c)power, for the purposes of exercising a power falling within paragraph (a) or (b), to enter any premises on which he has reasonable grounds for believing the motor vehicle to be;

(d)power to use reasonable force, if necessary, in the exercise of any power conferred by any of paragraphs to (a) to (c).

(4)A constable shall not seize a motor vehicle in the exercise of the powers conferred on him by this section unless—

(a)he has warned the person appearing to him to be the person whose use falls within subsection (1) that he will seize it, if that use continues or is repeated; and

(b)it appears to him that the use has continued or been repeated after the the warning
well , today is the day I get my windscreen fitted finally ...... im almost excited , and might even smile :rolleyes:

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