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I'm soon to be putting oil in the beastie.
Any recommendations for new engine build scenarios :augie
Thankyouplease :thumbs
Yeah drive it ;). With todays modern oils running engines in is a thing of the past just treat it gently for the first few miles and you'll be fine.
Although I'd previously blanked off the EGR , I decided I didn't like the bulge bit. So off with his head :p

Don't need that anymore thankyou very ever so :)
The boy is doing a TIG welding course so a bit of practice for him had to be done. He'll thank me for it one day :lol

There ya go , one inlet mani heavily modified and missing one turbulant EGR elbow :clap

Top tip; fit diesel lines before the manifold :doh
Mr Toad popped by as he'd heard I was making a whacky motor :D

Looking good, When's the big day? Oh and I forgot before you go and fire it up prime the oil system first, Disconnect the fuel lines and pull the glow plugs so it spins over quicker and crank it till the oil light goes out that way you have oil at all the crucial places when you fire it up.
Looking good, When's the big day? Oh and I forgot before you go and fire it up prime the oil system first, Disconnect the fuel lines and pull the glow plugs so it spins over quicker and crank it till the oil light goes out that way you have oil at all the crucial places when you fire it up.

Top tip, cheers :thumbs
All depends on a pump getting here :eek:

Woo hoo, my pump has arrived :D
Cleaned up ok ;)

Rightly or wrongly I've changed the pressure relief spring out of the mech pump for the one that was in my fly by wire one. It was new only a few years back and certainly not done many miles since. Compare and contrast, the newer one is on the right and considerably stronger .

This is where it lives

The mech pump has two springs in it where as the electronic one just has one ???
Here's the mech one with new spring in it .

Base timing set Z.ZZ :)

I'll have a fiddle with my dial gauge kit when I get back from Greece :lol

So here's as far as I got tonight, it's bolted on and base timed. However I guess there's a missing part off the top of it, rh as you look at this pic. Anyone know what should be there ?

Also does anyone have some pics of the throttle cable assembly please.?
Onwards :naughty
Sorry Pete cannot identify your part, as do not have mechanical pump on a T2 good luck in Greece, do not think your change of pressure spring will make much difference toyour fuel input but worth a try, Rick
Sorry Pete cannot identify your part, as do not have mechanical pump on a T2 good luck in Greece, do not think your change of pressure spring will make much difference toyour fuel input but worth a try, Rick

Worth a try yes. I remember reading on here some years back about maintaining good pressure in the pump. Relief spring was often a culprit it suggested, so it's done ;)
I believe so. They're all VE pumps of one generation or the next I think. There was a thread about it on here but some years back.
I seem toremember that many pump failings were to do with a simple spring weakness. For a few quid do it, but watch out for the little bits inside :rolleyes: