engine malfunction light

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Feb 9, 2008
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just wondered if any one can list what makes the light stay on apart from nats system and water in trap under filter.its not all the time just now and then.a simple check list so i can eleminate things would be nice if any one does know :?
your a star sweety.looked in the downloads earlier but it just didn't register to look at that :oops:must be the heat -blond-
well i bridged the terminals on the data link plug and it's not reading any faults :? have just replaced the live battery terminal connector as it was cracked.don't know if it was that which was causing the light to come on.no water in filter trap and nats is working fine :? been fine today so touch wood it's sorted.
yes no running problems it just keeps coming on and staying on for a couple of days,then its fine for a few days.its mainly when it's been stood for a few days.it happened about 2 weeks ago first time when i had not used it for 4 days.then it went away.this time it's been stood for just over a week as i had to replace the front shocks.did that,went in it yesterday and it came on again and stayed on.i changed the battery terminal connector yesterday as it was cracked and its been o.k so far :?
Nissan check over ???

Well nissan checked my motor over for free last year with the plug in thingy. Would that help ???
Turned out I needed a new airflow meter.
So many things it could come on for from bad to not so bad.
Nissan can check it in seconds. I think it cost about £35 for a check??????

Its could be any of the sensors that the ECU looks at. I had a problem with the throttle pedal sensor and they could even tell me how many times it had happened. A quick blast with air sorted my problem.

well its back :( have checked the fault codes and they are both to do with the fuel quantity adjuster/injector pump.could be a wiring fault as its intermittant.time to have a look at the manual :?
been out playing about under the bonnet(in the rain and i'm still sweating :? )looked and wiggled a few wires and the light has gone off so me thinks its a bad connection somewhere.will have to see what happens tommorrow when i have a drive up to milners to get some bits :?: (if it will start in the morning)
well so far so good 8O been running fine all day.been up to milners and got a new oil,fuel and air filter.gonna change them tomorrow when i finish work.also gonna have a look if its got a banjo filter and clean the maf.if all that fails gonna have to be a trip to the garage as i'm running out of ideas.
thanks mate :!: :!: things always seem to happen when you have made plans.going to shottle off road centre in derbyshire on sunday then we go on holiday the week after.from all the symptoms its a fuel delivery issue but not happening all the time.lets hope a good service sorts it out :smile:
done a full service today,checked for the elusive banjo filter and its not got one.gone over all the wires i can get at.replaced the earth strap from the engine to the body as it felt a bit weak and flexable.reset the ecm memory and took out and cleaned the maf unit.it was black not all clean and shiney. :? the air filter had collapsed in a couple of places.(only 4 months old)one of them cheap ones off e bay.one to avoid in future i think.was quite a bit of gunk in the fuel filter so put a full bottle of injector cleaner in.been for a run to derby and back about 25 miles and she feels a lot smoother and quieter.lets hope this is the end of the M I L light saga :smile:
ITS BACK :!: :!: she died on me on my way home from work.m i l came on then went off.woudn't start for about 5 mins.then she fired up and has ran fine all evening :? has got a flat spot at about 2000 rpm but not all the time.have checked that there is no air in fuel and thats fine.checked and cleaned throttle pedal sensor.running out of ideas.new maf?its an hitachi one if anyone has got one lying around they want to sell.
just been out and read it.its 25 which is a a fuel delivery issue.fuel quantity adjuster related.either the sensor,wiring,injection pump.won't really have time to look at that until the weekend.thing is i go on holiday next week.will be walking at this rate :( dont want to chance it as there is obviously something wrong.it does keep going away then coming back.not a five minute job to change the injector pump either.

Have you checked the connector for the fuel injection pump, it’s the round one to the left and front of the intercooler just above the steering pump, that’s left standing in front of the engine.
It would be worth pulling it apart and checking the pins in the plug are good and clean, that’s if you haven’t done this already.
will have look in the daylight.have checked and wiggled more wires over the last few days.shes been running fine since last thursday.went to shottle off road centre on sunday and put her through some quite rough stuff no problems then just pulling away from work and she died.thanks for the tip will let you know if it makes a difference.

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