WARNING- Technical sh1t follows!
If you have the 01 on OBDII truck you can remap the ecu, via the diag. socket.
I was using the stock EDC15C2 ecu intially with an off the shelf map uploaded, which then progressed onto altering the map myself with the help of the galetto system and openecu.
So that I didnt risk bricking my original ecu,and thus a dead truck, i bought a 2nd one, which i had made 'free running' i.e. it ignores any immobiliser commands, to experiment on. Actually I did brick the 2nd ecu, and then needed a 3rd.
Once you work out which code does what within the maps (with the help of a computery friend) and can understand hex, it becomes simple(er!!)
Have been running a modified Emerald M3D now for abit, which is one helluva lot easier to set up, with regard to cold start advance, various idle speeds, etc etc, as I needed to be able to control the VGT turbo with the help of a VW n75 valve .
The biggest bonus of the m3d is a map sensor so it can compare commanded boost vs actual, and the closed loop EGT feedback, so you can have fairly wildish map in places that the ecu automagically shuts the power down when on a prolonged high load and egt's get abit high. Again used the VW sensor.
Obviously a custom harness needs to be made, which is not a 5minute, and an understanding that simply chucking in loads of fuel doesnt necessarily make loads of hp.
Oh and yes, the 2.7 HG isnt that strong- arp bolts now fitted!!