Has anybody got any experience of this type of wheel alighment equipment. Gunson do one called Trakrite Wheel Alignment Gauge
I understand that they do not measure toe-in or toe-out but simply indicate the side force produced by the tyres/wheels as they roll over them. The idea being that zero side force indicates correctly aligned wheels and (as it is this side loading that caused uneven tyre wear) will prevent uneven wear of tyres.
But do they work?
If they do, are they easy to use to get the correct alignment?
As I can get one for a little more than a couple of trips to the local tracking bay, it may be a worhwhile investment if they are any good. But I am hoping that someone out there can give me some pointers.
I understand that they do not measure toe-in or toe-out but simply indicate the side force produced by the tyres/wheels as they roll over them. The idea being that zero side force indicates correctly aligned wheels and (as it is this side loading that caused uneven tyre wear) will prevent uneven wear of tyres.
But do they work?
If they do, are they easy to use to get the correct alignment?
As I can get one for a little more than a couple of trips to the local tracking bay, it may be a worhwhile investment if they are any good. But I am hoping that someone out there can give me some pointers.