Drive over Wheel alignment Gauge

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Active member
Apr 2, 2006
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Has anybody got any experience of this type of wheel alighment equipment. Gunson do one called Trakrite Wheel Alignment Gauge

I understand that they do not measure toe-in or toe-out but simply indicate the side force produced by the tyres/wheels as they roll over them. The idea being that zero side force indicates correctly aligned wheels and (as it is this side loading that caused uneven tyre wear) will prevent uneven wear of tyres.

But do they work?
If they do, are they easy to use to get the correct alignment?

As I can get one for a little more than a couple of trips to the local tracking bay, it may be a worhwhile investment if they are any good. But I am hoping that someone out there can give me some pointers.

I used a tape measure, theres enough room under a 4x4 to get in and measure it by hand - perhaps not as bang on as laser alignment equipment but then I was operating the tape not some monkey at quick fit etc, so I suspect just as good a result in the real world.
T2 wheel aligment is notoriously difficult to get right even with loads of laser equipment, so if you are after a pretty good middle of the road DIY solution It might be worth a try i must admit i have never come accross one of these before!
wheel alignment gauge

hi tommorrows world had this type of product on there show in the 1970s.
not seen or herd of it since.
but they recond it would take of in a big way then came along 4 wheel lazer alignment.
Back in the 80's I went to a independent tyre place, after a puncture, to get a new tyre and asked for the tracking to be checked (due to what happened to cause the puncture) I remember them using mats, rather than any alignment gear, to check and adjust the tracking. To be honest I had no problems thereafter, but it was on a little VW polo.

I was wondering if anyone had used these (as I know how notroious difficult the wheel alignment can be on our trucks, and often heard it sugggested that the driver sits in the cab while the alignment is done, as even this can affect the tracking) and though that may be this type of side force measurment, with me in the driving seat, may actually be better/easier than using lazer/machanical alignment equipment, as it is only concearned with the forces applied at the tyres, under near driving conditions, rather than static measurment of what is a very flexible system.

I must say I am quite surprised at how few people seem to know of their existence, as I thought they were fairly common, just never got round to buying one myself yet.
