dodgy maf??

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good luck with it - its an easy job to fit.
it made a big big difference to the power and driving of my car when i changed it.
Hi all,
I fitted the second hand MAF sensor last weekend and it seems to have cured the nasty juddering at low speeds but didnt cure the flat spot when acccelerating hard. I managed to get the garage I bought the car from to pay for a diagnostics test at our local Nissan garage (£40 ish plus vat) and they said everything was fine, not one fault code, bought new air and fuel filters so gonna try them and see if this might fix it. will keep you posted.

Hi shambler,
just as a matter of interest,my 03 2.7 tdi is fitted with,what nissan list as the 3.0 litre mafs(exact same part number as yours)
so presumably they are interchangeable.

just found bosch mafs on ebay for £39-99 item no 1902042217791, I also found a s/h hitach maf from a maveric which had the same part no as my terranos for £20, so I have bought it for a spare as its the first hitachi I have seen.......bri :smile: