I have the above and had it fitted by AVR Mobiles.
Professional service with all leads completely hidden.
Good night vision with modes for when parked up from front & rear cameras.
No screen you view via your mobile and this way check actual front & rear views.
Has a sold state hard drive and a removable mini SD card for incident storage.
Gives you speeding camera zones etc as you are driving and includes lane guidance if you want to activate it and some other tricks.
Automatically saves all incidents that you can download onto phone or laptop via Wi-Fi.
Front Camera has a fixed mounting plate but you can remove the camera from the base plate and disconnect and remove it if you want to.
Fits neatly between the top of the screen and the rear view mirror mounting slightly offset from centre.
When the screen freezes at night the lenz at the front remains completely clear, the rear camera less so.
When parked up you get a blue LED at the rear and a Night Rider Scan Bar at the front to give a visible deterrent for thieves.
Automatically saves all incidents that you can download onto phone or laptop via Wi-Fi.
Not cheap I paid £345 fitted.
When the Jeep goes I will remove it for use on next vehicle.