Computer is dead

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Well-known member
Jun 27, 2010
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Well, our computer has finally bit the dust I think. It's been constantly saying program not responding for about 4 months now. Now it won't even work

Here's what's happening

Switch it on, boots up nice and quick with no problems. After boot up the programs and wallpaper apeirs. No problem. But after 3 minuits of it being on the desk top it comes up saying

Windows Internet explored has encounter a problem and needs to close, were sorry for any inconvenience.

I click don't send for the error report. Then imediatly after it says

Dr watson postmortem has encounter a problem and needs to close, were sorry for any inconvenience.

I also click don't send for the error report. But then it freezes up solid. Can't do anything at all. Have to turn it off at wall as you hold the power button in and it does nothing

Any ideas?

What's dr watson? A virus?:eek:
yes, dumprep will be timing out when Internet Explorer crashes. you need to uninstall IE, reboot, then reinstall, that might fix it. Also, you need to clean up any startup items, and check your run and first run in the registry. thats for starters. sounds like your computer is fine, just needs IE fixing and probably some files in windows fixing also by doing an SFC scan on it too...

thast for starters anyway...

**dr watson isnt a virus, its a debugger program. when an application fails, inm this case IE, it will try to find out why, and send that reason to Microsoft, who will then fix the bug if its fixable. most of the time, Dr Watson will just fall flat on its arse and make the problem worse.
XP don't let you have the latest IE browser. I woud use firefox as it will be up to date, but download it before you dump IE.David.

yeah, as supergnome says, get your browser updated pal, IE wont have any updates for it now, itll be full of bugs and loopholes so you will be better off with Firefox or Chrome, but id uninstall IE as well once you have Firefox/Chrome on...
As Clivvy says, think Chrome is faster. David.

yeah, at the moment it is, I had to do some tests recently, Chrome was using a smidge less memory, and opening a smidge faster, page refreshes a smidge quicker, so theres not much in it, but Chrome was definately quicker!
drop IE, get Chrome and have firefox as back up browser,

seeing similar issues on a W7 lappy on IE rven though much later
version. Isnt helped as the IE home page tries to get so much
crap from net like weather.

Chrome rocks, its all I use now, having prefered FF to IE anyway.
Cheers, I'll do that! As dr. Watson is having a hissy fit again and decides he needs to crash whenever I plug the digital camera in:doh:rolleyes:

How do I uninstall IE and install chrome? As I'm guessing I'll need to install chrome then do away with IE?
yeah will ie is just about working get either ff or chrome down loaded, then the other

can import favs if needed, then use add/remove to drop ie.
As T says, install Chrome FIRST. also, if its not just your computer, and you all have your own logins, each person needs to install Chrome as its profile specific, OK? Once done, import favs etc then go into control panel, add remove programs, windows componants, untick ie. FB me if u need help!
If IE won't do it download it on a friends PC on to a usb stick. Plug it in yours and install from there.David.
ie is gone and chrome is now installed, christ it's fast:eek::eek: and there's spell check :D and no more crashing!! :D:D
AND, i like how you can customize themes, btw, dad and i both use the same user on this computer, so it saves faffing around:thumb2, i just can't believe how quick it is:thumbs
yeah it is a lot better than IE, although I still like IE - the latest version IS good and much better, but still not as good as Chrome or Firefox to be fair. Uses a bit less memory too.
Now you've got it going better why don't you sort it by clearing old the redundent files, sort the hives,file system and defrag it it'll run like new. David.

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