clutch pedal stuck down (im a diy mechanic get me outa here)

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Well-known member
May 4, 2010
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hello i thought i would start a new thread ,
i went to bleed the clutch at the master cylinder to change the fluid as yesterday and thhis morning the clutch pedal was very stiff and it was sugested that there may be water absorbed into it the fluid looks very black anyway ,after pressing the pedaL DOWN ONCE BLEED OPEN the pedal stays down wont come back up you can pull it back up by hand but then theres no pressure behind it and it will drop in one swoop when u touch it is the master cylinder failed does anyone know or can i get out of this mess as without car otherwise any help plz:doh
Does the clutch share its resevoir with the brakes?
I had a similar problem with my Cabstar years ago and eventually found the resevoir has to be very full for the clutch to get any fluid.
Even then, I would expect the pedal to come up on its own. Is there a spring detatched off the pedal?
no springs detached but when you look at the operation of the pedal the push rod in the cylinder which is attached to the pedal flows in and out freely theres no resistance you can just pull the rod in and ourtt on the pedal ,
it started yesterday the pedal feeling stiff and taking a bit longee than usual to return today i drive it and the pedal is really taking its time to come bback up im in second gear and reving off before its returned to its normal position do you thinkk the master cylinder is gone on it and the brakes have there own master cylinder
It sounds like the seals have gone.
I'm a bit confused how it has no resistance whatsoever yet you are still able to drive it. In theory if there is no resistance it isn't doing anything, so how do you get it in gear with the engine running?
Usually with this sort of thing if you sit with the clutch down, in gear with the engine running the vehicle starts to want to move.
no sorry i mean now it has no resistance in the pedal since it has fell to the floor i havent driven it since but i was driving this morning before and it was very stiff to return up, then i git home attached the bleed pipe to the nipple on the master cylinderr as to change the fluid gave it one downstrroke on the pedal and the pedal stayed down wont come back up on its own i can pull it back by hand but thats just the pedal the rod its attached to in the master cyl just goes in and out freely no resistance havent driven it since
no sorry i mean now it has no resistance in the pedal since it has fell to the floor i havent driven it since but i was driving this morning before and it was very stiff to return up, then i git home attached the bleed pipe to the nipple on the master cylinderr as to change the fluid gave it one downstrroke on the pedal and the pedal stayed down wont come back up on its own i can pull it back by hand but thats just the pedal the rod its attached to in the master cyl just goes in and out freely no resistance havent driven it since

do you mean the seals in the master cylinder is it possible t o replace these or best to replace master cyl
the pedal returns via a spring, so it has to be the spring is either broken or detached, or something is getting in the way of the pedal returning.
no the pedal willl return and bvring the rod with it it just goes in and out the rod springs are fine
the pedal is down but u can pull up by hand because it will pull the rod with it but it seems the rod comes in and out of the master cylinder and does nothing
no it just drops flat i can pull it up by hand and it comes up
yes plenty of fluid jusdt no action from the master cylinder the rod just goes in and out no resistance
there have been reports of seals getting damaged when bleeding by pushing them past the worn ridge in the cylinder, this may have happened to you. Should still be able to get a pedal but not for long, try bleeding em up again to be on the safe side.

If it is the seals damaged that way you'll need a new cylinder.
i cant bleed them because theres no pressure in pedal whatsoever the tiny amount that came out is like black oil
the tiny amount of fluid that came out that is is like black oil and the pedal has no pressure or esistance what soever even when you lift it by hand to the top it can simply just drop to the bottom again
have you tried it with the enigne running ? as it might gain some pressure back once the system is up and running

it the clutch engauged or not ?
ive tried with the engine running no difference clutch is disengaged as was on my drive at the time connected bleed hose to master cylinder pressed pedsl down stayed down but pedal can be lifted by hand and rod just goes in and out of master with no resistance