can i ram too much air in a diesel engine tdi

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The new mini type air scoops look tidy. I reckon if you put your capture tank behind it and have some drainage tubes to the outside it would look the muts nuts.
Think I'm talking myself into a project :roll:
makeitfit said:
i have not seen a snorkel that looks like its meant to be there. i dont think its possible on the outside

You're right there mate. I'm not well up on intercolder things but I dont think you'll actually be able to RAM in too much air. You'd probably just get some buffering in the tube, a bit like interferance. Unless you put a big supercharger type bird sucking scoop up there 8O

i wanted to go with the ally pipe for more rigidity and less rattle condensation could be a problem
I dont think there would be any benifit in what you are looking to do.

There is an advantge to getting more air into the cylinders diesels wont run lean like a petrol engine.
The more air you can get into the cylinder the higher the compression ratio will be and this is directly proportional to engine effiecentcy.
The more air you can cram into the cylinders the hotter it will be when it is compresed and when the fuel is injected it will ignite quicker and create a bigger bang.
This is why engines have a turbo or supercharger fitted as a standard engine can only suck air in so at best it will be at atmospheric pressure when it starts to get compressed were as a turbo engine pumps air in at higher pressure and could be at 1 bar (14.7 psi) when it starts to get compressed.
If you want to gain extra power you can alter the boost pressure the turbo produces. as standard its regulated to 0.75 bar you can easily up it to 1 bar without causeing any major problems with the engine.

If you have the earlier non intercooler engine you can also alter the maximum amout of fuel that is injected, so with extra air and fuel you will get extra bhp add a intercooler and you get even more.
My old peugeot 405 turbo diesel produced 90bhp it was tested and produced 86bhp at 3500 rpm I upped the turbo pressure to 1.5 bar and altered the fuel and was getting 109bhp at 3000rpm it was like a rocket and i ran it for 60k before i sold it without any engine problems I used to get 47mpg and after i was getting 49mpg
Hi terrano kid,
I've had a bit of bother recently with petrol mav so been looking at diesel ones.
Are you suggesting I could end up with more POWER by buying an old TD one , then up the fuel, turbo boost and slap on an intercooler?
If so I know of a td one going real cheap!
So it could be a crimbo stocking filler!
Yes I think that you could get better gains from a td but the tdi has the advantage of the extra 25% in the first place. If you up the boost on a tdi the afm might also increase the fuel.
To be honest I am quite happy with the amount of power my tdi produces it could do with a bit more torque low down when pulling away with a caravan on the back.

As for the prices they are all cheap at the moment I was selling mine earlier this year but the prices have dropped so much its not worth it.
Like terranokid said you're better off starting with a tdi if you have the choice.

As for the roof scoop, it will be interesting to see the result but I can't see it making any positive improvement. The engine s already drawing cool air from the wing area and any ram effects are sure to be negated by the long run of the intake from the roof and poor ducting around the scoop - unless you're willing to sacrifice visibility (which I don't recomend). To turn the air through 90 and then take it from the sccop into some ducting is going to need a great big funnel type affair about as deep as the duct is wide, any less and the air just won't flow in smoothly so you'll be wating your time.
i have measured up and ordered the pipe, i actually need 2.5m of 3" pipe. its only 300mm longer than a snorkel similar to makitfits and many others...

mine will however have smooth flowing bends with no joints whereas snorkels have often many 90 degree bends with multiple joints and an air ram thats at about 130 degrees... even the standard intake is restricted with sharp bends

however i think im right on the theory side of things, and with everyone saying i wont get better performance. but i cant ram too much air in

which was the initial question

as long as i get raised air ill be happy cos thats what i set out to do
progress on the scoop so far

today while i had the welding and cutting gear out... due to clutch pedal snapping last night, and not getting in till 3 am cos of it... but i fixed my clutch drag problem now

i started work on the raised air.
the scoop is now ready for your thoughts here

im now just waiting for the hose

but please spend the time to look and give me your thoughts

its only taped on to take pics

thanks extremely annoying 8O :lol: :lol: :lol:
Sweety said:
Is it a plastic scoop :? TBH I think it would look better mounted in the centre of the roof :wink:

no i made it, its metal, i cant put in the centre as the sunroof motor and lights are there
Toolbox said:
Not sure what I expected, but its not half as big as I thought it was going to be extreme.

i think painted red it will blend in quite nicely , im sure i wont be short of air what do you think
Hello Mate,

I'll be following this with interest. I can see where you're going with this now. It's similar to the vents / scoops seen on rally / raid vehicles, but to supply air to the engine, not the occupants...

Keep us up to date with how you're getting on, I think you're onto a good idea. All you've got to do now is to come up with a light bar solution ! :lol:

im not sure, the engin will only suck in so much, and the turbo can only push in so much

it will only weeken your fuel air mixture in the end
I would check your air box because I found I had a large hole at the bottom of mine (looks like a drain hole) which i'm yet to find a gromet big enough to seal the hole up :roll:

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