Bomb proof my @rse!!!

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Karl - you dont wade into the water, you find a stick (theres loads at briercliffe and Cowm due to all the trials and route markers) you then dip the water to see how deep it is and then compare depth with car. :doh

As for thinking a rad blanket will save your motor... I doubt I need to say more :augie

I also gave you a serious piece of advise up at Briercliffe last time I saw you, please take it as serious too! Stay the hell out of the sheep dip!!!!
As I explained, snorkel or no snorkel the sheep dip is dangerous!
Because Briercliffe is a sand stone quarry the water is full of a super-fine sand silt. Be the first to wade in and you'll get stuck as its about 2 feet deep at the bottom of the water with silt. Go through after someone else and all the silt is mixed into the water...
This then gets into your starter motor, alternator, gear box breather, axle breather, fuel tank breather, and most importantly CLOGS YOUR RADIATOR!
You may think not... but put a post on nw4x4 asking how many of the 700 members have cooked their engine on the way home from Brier... trust me you'll be suprised how many!
The Fourtrak I mentioned I owned... well Rob who bought it off the lad I sold it to did exactly that. The most reliable 4trak i've seen and he killed the engine by taking it through the sheep dip! :doh
Didnt even get to junction 11 (on at 12) before it overheated and popped its clogs... :eek:

And the worst bit... to get all the silt out of the rad you have to remove it and get a small piece of wire to poke all the holes clear! The stuff sets like cement because of the heat! No a hose pipe wont clear it whilst on the car and if you try to pressure wash it you'll blast your rad to pieces :rolleyes:

I dont mean to pick at you pal, only trying to give some sound advise so you dont suffer a similar fate again. Its through taking on board experienced peoples opinions that I have yet to kill a motor, but have managed the most extreme of terrain the other club has seen! They say Drumclog is a dodgy dangerous site, well 3 times i've driven 220 miles there, abused my car for 3 days then driven 220 miles home in the same motor. Never once need the help of the AA nor had to fix anything with more than gaffer tape ;)
Think I sit and watch, well, last Drumclog I constantly had folk screaming at me on the CB not to take my Mav there, they just didnt think it had the capability. And I believe through my experience I was able to take it there, and then beyond, and then drive home with nothing broken...

(Perhaps I just contradicted myself on the old Maverick relability comment earlier, that does read pretty impressivley!)

With just a set of A/T tyres too :clap

I will never slate a Terrano or Maverick for their standard off road capabilities, yes they are good standard, its just if you wnat to go more extreme they are a little restricted and I believe a different choice of motor is more appropriate :thumbs
A bloody intelligent post MuckyPup - well done! :thumb2:thumb2:thumb2:bow

...except now I've got to go and see what the crack is at this Drumclog place :doh
Karl - you dont wade into the water, you find a stick (theres loads at briercliffe and Cowm due to all the trials and route markers) you then dip the water to see how deep it is and then compare depth with car. :doh

As for thinking a rad blanket will save your motor... I doubt I need to say more :augie

I also gave you a serious piece of advise up at Briercliffe last time I saw you, please take it as serious too! Stay the hell out of the sheep dip!!!!
As I explained, snorkel or no snorkel the sheep dip is dangerous!
Because Briercliffe is a sand stone quarry the water is full of a super-fine sand silt. Be the first to wade in and you'll get stuck as its about 2 feet deep at the bottom of the water with silt. Go through after someone else and all the silt is mixed into the water...
This then gets into your starter motor, alternator, gear box breather, axle breather, fuel tank breather, and most importantly CLOGS YOUR RADIATOR!
You may think not... but put a post on nw4x4 asking how many of the 700 members have cooked their engine on the way home from Brier... trust me you'll be suprised how many!
The Fourtrak I mentioned I owned... well Rob who bought it off the lad I sold it to did exactly that. The most reliable 4trak i've seen and he killed the engine by taking it through the sheep dip! :doh
Didnt even get to junction 11 (on at 12) before it overheated and popped its clogs... :eek:

And the worst bit... to get all the silt out of the rad you have to remove it and get a small piece of wire to poke all the holes clear! The stuff sets like cement because of the heat! No a hose pipe wont clear it whilst on the car and if you try to pressure wash it you'll blast your rad to pieces :rolleyes:

I dont mean to pick at you pal, only trying to give some sound advise so you dont suffer a similar fate again. Its through taking on board experienced peoples opinions that I have yet to kill a motor, but have managed the most extreme of terrain the other club has seen! They say Drumclog is a dodgy dangerous site, well 3 times i've driven 220 miles there, abused my car for 3 days then driven 220 miles home in the same motor. Never once need the help of the AA nor had to fix anything with more than gaffer tape ;)
Think I sit and watch, well, last Drumclog I constantly had folk screaming at me on the CB not to take my Mav there, they just didnt think it had the capability. And I believe through my experience I was able to take it there, and then beyond, and then drive home with nothing broken...

(Perhaps I just contradicted myself on the old Maverick relability comment earlier, that does read pretty impressivley!)

With just a set of A/T tyres too :clap

I will never slate a Terrano or Maverick for their standard off road capabilities, yes they are good standard, its just if you wnat to go more extreme they are a little restricted and I believe a different choice of motor is more appropriate :thumbs
i have taken on that advice mate hence y i havent gone throught it yet lol

off road cant fault the mavs ability and it did suprise alot of people :thumbs:thumbs maybe just down to the lsd :nenau:nenau

here is where the in take is


as you can see it is above the wheel about 101cm from the ground not too sure on the mavs front end height :nenau


Karl - you aint ever going to win on a Nissan website! :lol I'd also look into Isuzu motors before bragging, theres a reason they are cheap mate - just like Mavs. But you are right, the 3.0 is known for the engine EXPLODING and the 3.1 it is said is the one to buy. As for the lotus suspension, it will be a little un-lotus like when carrying 2+ tons, is 15 years old and suffered 100,000 miles almost. They are good motors mate, I know a farmer that will buy nothing else but I would not start bragging about their mechanical reliability, thats tempting fate on a car that has dear parts to start with, let alone the fact its an import! They can be shocking for parts at times!
As for thinking you dont need a snorkel mate, I dont know what you've ben reading but disregard that info immediately! If your gonna go near ANY WATER AT ALL fit a bloody snorkel mate, you'll only end up with the same fate if you dont!

Bomb proof - Toyota Hi-lux 2.4 diesel non turbo. End of. The most reliable 4x4 ever produced. Fact.

Teranno / Maverick - I base my opinions and advise on personal experience. I've owned one, know a number of folk who have also owned one and my conclusion - I'd never buy another! And neither would they! But I do not doubt there are good and bad ones and we must have been unlucky.
I thought I was getting a good one, 104,000 miles and full service... nope it was a lemon! :doh

Taxis - who ever told you the taxis with the Nissan engine were reliable, i'd ask them again now a bit of time has passed by :lol My mate purposly bought the Chrysler engined TX1 due to all his mates having probs with the Nissan engine, and also performance and economy.

MPG - My 4.0 lpg Grand Cherry is costing around the same to run as my 2.4 lpg Maverick. I find this quite alarming! It batters the Mavs economy on long trips, and uses a smidge more around town. But as an average it costs about the same. But what an enormous difference in motor between the G.C and Mav... you cant compare the two, different league for towing, cruising, performance, comfort, toys... I could go on!
BUT I always do my homework before buying any motor... I find out the usual problems that occur and then look at the cost to repair them. I know G.Cs have issues, and I made a calculated decision prior to buying it! I do expect something to go worng, but I have back up ready for when it does ;)

Fourtrak - someone mentioned those being good engines, I had a good one a TDS Timberline, awesome motor, fastest 4x4 i've owned (yes quicker on acceleration and better handling than the G.C) never ever ever let me down or broke down or anything in 2 years of abuse. I only paid for service parts. It only had to go due to silly independant suspension restricting it off road :(
But then two lads in my other club had big problems, one has been through 3 engines than scrapped it, the other (forum owner) is currently on his 4th engine. When they do go its catastrophic! :(

Land-Rover - I adore them, the original 4x4 to me... but I simply cannot afford the unreliability and silly high purchase price the command. Its unreal how bad they are! A good friend bough a spanker last year with the new Transit engine in, he's spent more time on the road in a Freelander courtesy car then "big black" his nice new 90. He openly admits its shite too and his old "D reg" 90 2.5d was far more reliable. Sad that :(
Another English company gone to the dogs...

Pay and play days - WHO SAID PLAY AND PAY??? Who have you been talking too? Yes I see lots of breakages and damage done on such days, but only through driver inexperience/ignorance/error. Folk attacking obstacles with inferior vehicles and unproper kit are asking for damage & breakages... hence Cowm has a "green" section and a "red" section. I defy anyone to break something on the green route, step on the red... "red for danger folks"
Also the number of folk who do not get out and walk a section before driving... its common sense!

Think i've covered all the points that got me excited there! :rolleyes:

Any chance of a hob-nob now Pete, took me a while to write all that!


If anyone wants good advice with regards to off road experience and views have a word with this guy, he knows his stuff clearly....

This was my point last night that I was trying to make that basically it boils down to common sense and preparation,

Muckypup, it was me who said pay and play turn into play and pay, as Ive seen so many people turn up with standard vehicles and expect to go around at break neck speed cause they see a well prep,d motor go around and think they can do the same, Always walk any course and follow the obvious lines made by others unless its rained heavy the night before, Carry your own stick with pre-marked measurements that relate to your car, ie bumper height etc, and if you have the money, go on a Vince Cobley play day, he will put you right for sure.

As for the mav/ terrano reliability thing, all things man made break down, mine has before now, but as others have said, dont expect miracles from a 15/16 yr old car, its 90 % PREVENTION of breakdowns that count in my book.
I aint saying that if I had a bottomless pit wallet then Id look at something else, but as I say £ for pound the mav/ terrano takes some beating at most things asked of a 4x4

Think thats about it really as muckypup, tezzer, lacropade and others have covered the important points.
Thanks for the comments and feedback! :thumb2
I only try to give advise on what I have experience of... which is mainly wanting to have an off roading hobby with little or no funds to do it with. That means treading carefully!
been reading this post with interest as i too am a keen off roader and have been for many years,ive owned an array of different motors and all have good and bad points.
started when i was 19 with a zuki sj 410,went laning with a friend and had the bug ever since.
never come across a bombproof motor yet and probably never will.
most of my breakages have been down to driver error and showing off but you learn by your mistakes.
i thought i knew everything about driving 4x4's but my eyes got opened when i was given a days course as a present at my local 4x4 centre in shirland derbyshire a few years back.
back to the motors i have owned a standard sj 410,tricked up sj 413,standard series 2 landy,daihatsu sport trak,mk1 shogun and 3 terranos.
had a y60 4.2 lwb troll as company car and a isuzu toooper 3.0 prior to that.swapped the trooper for the troll as it towed 2 tonne of kit without missing a beat.the trooper would lose alot of power when towing with aircon on but still a nice motor.
the reason i have yet another terrano is that i got it cheap.paid 300 quid for it as it had just failed mot on sills and front crossmember.couple of hours welding and 2 front flexi hoses and it went straight through mot.
its clocked up 174000 miles with part service history so i'm not expecting it to last for ever but you get what you pay for:thumbs
been reading this post with interest as i too am a keen off roader and have been for many years,ive owned an array of different motors and all have good and bad points.
started when i was 19 with a zuki sj 410,went laning with a friend and had the bug ever since.
never come across a bombproof motor yet and probably never will.
most of my breakages have been down to driver error and showing off but you learn by your mistakes.
i thought i knew everything about driving 4x4's but my eyes got opened when i was given a days course as a present at my local 4x4 centre in shirland derbyshire a few years back.
back to the motors i have owned a standard sj 410,tricked up sj 413,standard series 2 landy,daihatsu sport trak,mk1 shogun and 3 terranos.
had a y60 4.2 lwb troll as company car and a isuzu toooper 3.0 prior to that.swapped the trooper for the troll as it towed 2 tonne of kit without missing a beat.the trooper would lose alot of power when towing with aircon on but still a nice motor.
the reason i have yet another terrano is that i got it cheap.paid 300 quid for it as it had just failed mot on sills and front crossmember.couple of hours welding and 2 front flexi hoses and it went straight through mot.
its clocked up 174000 miles with part service history so i'm not expecting it to last for ever but you get what you pay for:thumbs

Another good post, lets hope your wrong about 174k being a lot on a terrano/mav as Ive got nearly 150k on mine and dont fancy swapping, as like you I have experience of other makes and models and nothing hits you in the face as being exceptional.....