Luckily, I have stuck to minor stuff, mainly stitches, most from doing things that I should have known better, but have done a few things that hurt... a lot.
Had the spray jet top split and snap on a spray paint can as I was using it, resulting in the paint coming out the back, and straight into my eye. Spent a few days with the doctors worrying if I would loose my sight.
A broken ankle, after climbing down a 20 foot ladder and when I was level with the guy next to me, I stepped off, only to discover he was now standing on a 4 foot high gym stool... (I never liked ladders anyway)!
A chipped arm, after nearly standing on a ferret while carrying something heavy through the back door, and in trying not to kill the animal, I went flying and hit my arm on the kitchen surface.
The worst though, was when I came off my Girlfriends motorbike when the rear shocks went spraying oil on the tyre just as I was trying to go round a corner, and ended up "high siding". As I came to a stop and got my bearings, I realised I was laying right underneath a car staring at the centre exhaust silencer, and thought I was dead... I then realised the car was actually on a garage forecourt, and was up on display ramps about 2 foot off the ground. I was so lucky, as I also missed hitting any of the bollards along the forecourt edge as well. Being young and stupid, I only had on cords, trainers, Tee shirt, and a light weight summer jacket (Perfect motorbike gear, NOT!), none of which provide a very good protective layer when you slide along a tarmac road, over a paving slab pavement, and onto a concrete forecourt, so ended up with grazes down to the bone on my knee, and elbow, along with several other cuts and many bruises from shoulder right down to my toes.
I stick to 4 wheels now...