body damage

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most of mine are horse related, 6 slipped discs, cracked tail bone, broke my nose falling off into a fence, horseshoe shape dent in my ribs, dislocated shoulder whilst on the horse, 2 dents in my leg from a kick, broken toes, broken fingers, always burn myself on the cooker & hot metal :augie ermmmmm think thats it not sure tho

u sound stunning :lol:lol no offence
3 months off work after argument with a rotty guard dog tore my forearms open, angle grinder took end of right hand middle finger when disc broke, broken ribs etc from racing and cut wrist carving some meat while stupidly holding it. KEV
sounds to me like most off you out there just do not know how to look after your selves, I am 65 and still do things 18 year old's cannot do, Rick
Luckily, I have stuck to minor stuff, mainly stitches, most from doing things that I should have known better, but have done a few things that hurt... a lot.

Had the spray jet top split and snap on a spray paint can as I was using it, resulting in the paint coming out the back, and straight into my eye. Spent a few days with the doctors worrying if I would loose my sight.

A broken ankle, after climbing down a 20 foot ladder and when I was level with the guy next to me, I stepped off, only to discover he was now standing on a 4 foot high gym stool... (I never liked ladders anyway)!

A chipped arm, after nearly standing on a ferret while carrying something heavy through the back door, and in trying not to kill the animal, I went flying and hit my arm on the kitchen surface.

The worst though, was when I came off my Girlfriends motorbike when the rear shocks went spraying oil on the tyre just as I was trying to go round a corner, and ended up "high siding". As I came to a stop and got my bearings, I realised I was laying right underneath a car staring at the centre exhaust silencer, and thought I was dead... I then realised the car was actually on a garage forecourt, and was up on display ramps about 2 foot off the ground. I was so lucky, as I also missed hitting any of the bollards along the forecourt edge as well. Being young and stupid, I only had on cords, trainers, Tee shirt, and a light weight summer jacket (Perfect motorbike gear, NOT!), none of which provide a very good protective layer when you slide along a tarmac road, over a paving slab pavement, and onto a concrete forecourt, so ended up with grazes down to the bone on my knee, and elbow, along with several other cuts and many bruises from shoulder right down to my toes.

I stick to 4 wheels now...
Fell out of my pram at 1y old & split my lip quite badly: scarr still there (sign of things to come?). My Mother never failed to remind me of it as the injuries added up. Broken ankle at infant school (still gives me gip 62y later!). At 10y old went paddling in the local cut (as we all did then!) had a bike spoke go straight through my foot. Burnt hands playing 'dare' with lighted rocket & 'penny banger' fireworks (well we didn't have a telly in those days). Fractured leg at middle school (don't remember how). Deep gash in middle finger at senior school (broke a glass tube try to insert it into rubber tube) still have the scar!
Set of dog teeth marks in R hand, still scarred after 50y but they've moved 2" further up my wrist! Several bad gashes & a steel splinter in my eye during my apprenticeship: what joy..... but cured me of any neadle phobia I might have had, having endured a large hyperdermic pushed into my eye. Can't help but cringe thinking about it LOL.

Then onto the more serious stuff: Turned over my first car (Reliant Regal: that's what they do!) torn Achilles tendon, minor injuries & concussion. My second 3 wheeler, a Bond 875, fell off the jack (yes I know better now!), trapped me between the front suspension & the spare wheel lying on the floor, very nearly crushing my throat, knocked me unconscious & removed the complete ear lobe on one side just to remind me not to do it again. Went deaf in that ear due to the concussion but at least I lived to tell the tale.

Too many minor injuries to mention through messing with cars.

Oh the joys of life. My kids are at death's door if they bruise themselves! What a generation of woosies.....

& despite all that I don't consider myself clumsy.....just unfortunate LOL.
Ohh aye, and you know that flap of skin between you're thumb and finger, well I cut that with some scissors when opening a box that my roof rails came in for my terrano, this is when I retro fitted them back in 2011, couldn't stop it bleeding for about 20 mins, got blood over everything including me truck as that's where I opened the box, that annoyed me more than anything, luckily it was just the rear bumper and door, seriously guys, don't cut that skin:doh had to sit down on the driveway as I nearly fainted, didn't go in the house since my hand was bleeding so much, must of hit a main vain or somthing

If you ever get a bleed like that again pressure on the wound with a clean dressing and elevate the wound. I reckon you should of sought medical advice for that one Ryan. If you can't stop a bleed for as long as that there is something majorly wrong. Sounds like you could easily of gone into shock which is very dangerous.
kinnel where do I start!
most recent first.

only just recovering from 2 broken ribs.

broke my toe slipping on kitchen floor (now gone and waiting for new floor)

my face grew like elephant man after doing my own dentistry and nearly died.

had a twisted intestine (nearly died)

thought I was a wizz with an rc helecopter and decided to try fly a big one that landed in my face at full throttle severing nerves and now my head is numb.

i was breaking wood up for my log burner by stamping on fence panels and a nail went through my shoe and heel into the bone!
the same week I hobbled down the garden and fell through the greenhouse window (lucky that time with no cuts)

I was fixing a stanley knife blade to a broom stick extention so I could clean my fishtank glass. the insulation tape i was using to secure the blade snapped and the blade swung up to hit me in the face an inch below my eye and i bled a lot.

when i was young i was running along and bumped into a kid and my front tooth went through my lip into his skull and we both had lots of stitches.

do you want me to carry on or do you get the general gist of my list off ailments come accidents and it goes on a bit.