Bleeding the fuel system

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Well-known member
Jul 3, 2010
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Right I am now thinking that the reason my donor engine won't start is that I haven't bled the system correctly.I know some vehicles are a bit difficult.

I have cracked the injectors and got some fuel thru bit that doesn't seem to be doing the trick..........engine did fire for a couple of seconds then the battery went flat.
What would be the best way for bleeding the td27ti engine after a rebuild.

Right I am now thinking that the reason my donor engine won't start is that I haven't bled the system correctly.I know some vehicles are a bit difficult.

I have cracked the injectors and got some fuel thru bit that doesn't seem to be doing the trick..........engine did fire for a couple of seconds then the battery went flat.
What would be the best way for bleeding the td27ti engine after a rebuild.


primer ?
Yes priming the fuel system or are they self priming.
Yes priming the fuel system or are they self priming.

as far as I know, you have to prime the filter, but im way over my head here. when I changed my filter, which i know is noting like what you have done, I really had to prime the wotsit on the filter before starting the car, but i suspect you have already done this...?
I will change and prime the fuel filter then turn the ignition on and pump the plunger to see If I can prime the injector pump more.
My shogun has an air bleed screw on the filter casing but I can't seem to see one on the Terrano housing so guess I need to slacken off one of outlet pipes ?
I will change and prime the fuel filter then turn the ignition on and pump the plunger to see If I can prime the injector pump more.
My shogun has an air bleed screw on the filter casing but I can't seem to see one on the Terrano housing so guess I need to slacken off one of outlet pipes ?

i dont believe so. should be as simple as attach new filter (which has the valve on the bottom, tighten this), then prime it for what will feel like an age, untill its hard THEN start the car, after that, stop the engine, and check it again...

i believ some people fill the filter with diesel before re attaching...
i dont believe so. should be as simple as attach new filter (which has the valve on the bottom, tighten this), then prime it for what will feel like an age, untill its hard THEN start the car, after that, stop the engine, and check it again...

i believ some people fill the filter with diesel before re attaching...

2nd that mate as i done mine this way in June :thumbs & it is a bitch to restart but once running, back to normal :thumbs
Haven't done it yet so will follow that way ..
Many thanks

Fill filter, make sure it has sealed properly on the filter head. Pump primer til it goes hard, then with acouple of injectors slackened, and a GOOD battery crank it over.

They will not prime with slow cranking speeds, especially if its been dry for a time.
Fill filter, make sure it has sealed properly on the filter head. Pump primer til it goes hard, then with acouple of injectors slackened, and a GOOD battery crank it over.

They will not prime with slow cranking speeds, especially if its been dry for a time.

Put a new fuel filter on (There was some right ole filth come out the old one)
undid the rear of the injector pump and primed that so fuel came out.Cracked all the injectors one by one till a good amount of fuel came out and gave the engine a wiff of easystart and she sprang into life and idled for a while until warm very nicely indeed.

For some reason it doesn't like starting up straight away now ...probably after 3-5 secs now(My dad did pump the primer a few times and this helped)and the idle speed seems pretty low (Looks about 650rpm looking at the rev counter)and the engine stops if it idles for a few seconds but if I just keep my foot on the throttle arround 750 rpm it idles nicely.

I am pretty sure that when I took the zexel pump off the block and fitted the bosch pump in it's place that I fitted it as near as dam it to how it was fitted to the knackered block.When the bosch pump was on the original engine before it overheated there were no problems with the pump at all so I can safely say that snot at fault.

I am guessing that I either have an air leak somewhere or that I havn't quite got the pump in the perfect place .

Is there a device I can use or is it a matter of adjusting it's position until I find the correct spot for the pump ??? and what usual pipework should I be looking for which causes problems.I might just change the fuel filter again as well for another type as I have read on here of new ones failing also.

Are your glow plugs good and operating properly, most turbo diesels lack the high compression of a naturally aspirated one, and so even when hot bring the glow plugs in for a while, the idling issue could be a number of things, how does it sound when you rev it, does it pick up nice or is it struggling, you should be sure your timing is right there is no adjustment as such it is either on the marked lines or it is out, Rick
Are your glow plugs good and operating properly, most turbo diesels lack the high compression of a naturally aspirated one, and so even when hot bring the glow plugs in for a while, the idling issue could be a number of things, how does it sound when you rev it, does it pick up nice or is it struggling, you should be sure your timing is right there is no adjustment as such it is either on the marked lines or it is out, Rick

I am getting over 12v to the glowplug rail using a multimeter . I did use the old glowplugs from the donor engine and they all produced a red tip when I tested them with a 12v battery(Maybe I should renew the glowplugs anyway seeing as I have renewed most of the items on the head)Engine sounds fine when I rev gently and will drive lovely when taken for a short spin (I havn't give the engine a thrashing as I have only just rebuilt the head ) .It will accelerate very well (But I havn't driven another Terrano so can't compare)with a little black smoke when I floor it a little.When the engine idles near to stopping it will throw out white smoke fom the exhaust.

The injectors have had new nozzles and serviced last week so they should be in good order.
I would suggest you have the timing too far retarded, although it is very difficult to say without actually seeing the car.

Suggest you run it for a day or so, and see if it improves, then look at the pump timing.

A retarded pump will give white smoke and cold start issues.

The TD27 runs at 22:1 CR, so the glow plugs are almost along for the ride....
your idle sounds similar to mine, as mine seems to run at 650 (so everything rattles a touch more than i thjink it needs to!) and tapping the pedal enough to raise to 750 is very nice.

be interesting to see how you manage to adjust this? sounds like you are making progress too...!
I would suggest you have the timing too far retarded, although it is very difficult to say without actually seeing the car.

Suggest you run it for a day or so, and see if it improves, then look at the pump timing.

A retarded pump will give white smoke and cold start issues.

The TD27 runs at 22:1 CR, so the glow plugs are almost along for the ride....

I second that, timing retarded, did not know the CR till now, I have a 2.4 petrol, Rick
I second that, timing retarded, did not know the CR till now, I have a 2.4 petrol, Rick
Have spent a little time on the engine today to advance the pump but am struggling to get to the bottom nut on the injector pump(Have done bottom bracket and top 2 on pump(Why on earth is it in such an inaccessible place).Guess I will need to remove the vacuum pump to get to the nut which is what I did to fit the pump anyway.
Rain stopped play so I will try again sometime tomorrow.Guess I will need to slacken the injector pipes as well.

I take it that I need to turn the pump anti-clockwise to advance.

To advance the timing you'll need to swing the pump in the same direction as engine rotation.

You'll be wanting to hear slightly more diesel rattle (if your ears are well tuned)

2-3 degrees should do it.
wow...whats this you guys are talking about?? turning the pump (like a distributer?) to affect the timing??

i must get mine checked, if thats the case, because my "clatter" seems out...
wow...whats this you guys are talking about?? turning the pump (like a distributer?) to affect the timing??

i must get mine checked, if thats the case, because my "clatter" seems out...

Well I have spent a few hours trying to get the pump in the right place but even now it still takes a little more cranking than I would have thought's starts a tiny bit easier though(Guess I need a test gauge put on it as I am just turning it back and forth to get it in the best place for it to start).........I still need to get them revs up a bit as It just won't idle very well and still cut's out after a while.

xx I have noticed though that I used the glowplugs from the old head and this was a TD27 head (Probaly not the right ones...maybe too short or the wrong voltage maybe??.Pretty sure I need to use NGK glowplugs as listed £25 each :eek:.Maybe this will help the starting issue.I will change the MAFF as well .

Cheers for any help
