Black Pearl regeneration ;)

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Did I mention the hole I found in the floor ? :doh
On the last quarter of the floor now and took out the driver's seat to prep the last bit of un-checked rot and was not disappointed :eek:

Hey ho, out with the ceral packets again and make up some more patches for the quilt :augie

As this is the body mount area I cut out all the old repairs and went straight for the thick steel fix

I've done it in sections so it can be welded to the body mount sides from above. Saves setting fire to the boy lying down in sparksville :eek:
Weld weld weld

Welded to each plate and the body mount area

And all in, cleaned and sealed. Quick blast of stone chip :)

So close and yet so far, there's another bit to do in the foot well and I hope the Fourth Road Bridge job on the Pearl is nearly there :D

That's for another day though :augie
Wow. I will never moan about the amount if welding required on my trol again. Great work:)

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That is a serious amount of weld repair Pete, just shows how well these motors can be kept alive with a bit of TLC, Rick
It didn't look too bad really but on closer investigation we found the rot was between the outer and inner layers , also bound in by the sound deadener stuff.
It would have passed MOT also as both side were intact, just no guts :eek:
I'm in so deep now what the hell :lol
A job for another day :)

A little update several months on since I last did anything of note on the Pearl:D
Sort of found my 4x4 mojo of late and as the boy needed a motor related fine paying off, I had his attention too :naughty
So , remember this ?

It's my Fred Flintstones car floor :eek:
Time for some action :thumbs
Cut out the rot and it'll all look lovely again .

Here's the new home made body mount section and floor strengthener thingy

Cut along dotted line lol and prepare for action :)

A view from outside looking in lol

Stuff some amps up it and see the wonder

Only had 2mm sheet so things were a little stubborn going back in.

And flippin' have it, the last of the holes DONE :clap

Tomorrow some seal sealer and stone chip, then at last some reconstruction :cool:
Woohoo keep at it, that's the hard work done, I see the rest as decoration ect :thumbs :lol
Make sure you give it a good coating ;)
That is one impressive bit of repair work. Loving the pictures. :clap:clap
cracking work :thumb2 :thumbs ,,,,,,,,,might want your lad to put some of them fancy rock slider sills on mine in the new year :naughty
cracking work :thumb2 :thumbs ,,,,,,,,,might want your lad to put some of them fancy rock slider sills on mine in the new year :naughty

You'll defo need the interior out for that mate :) oh and a lift :cool:
They're flippin impressive mind. I'd cut out all the rot and lifted the truck on the front of the slider. Whole car up and no front body mounts and the door still closes spot on. :naughty
Makeitfit, you and your son have done some great work on the truck. Dont get me wrong Im not trying to disrespect your hard work, far from it but with a body thats been so rotten will it ever be as strong as before the rot took place.
It's prob going to be stronger as it's not coke can thick metal that Nissan used:doh TBH the only other option would have been scrap it which would have been a big shame or re-shell it
Makeitfit, you and your son have done some great work on the truck. Dont get me wrong Im not trying to disrespect your hard work, far from it but with a body thats been so rotten will it ever be as strong as before the rot took place.

No worries mate, this shell is now several times stronger than original :thumbs
I can honestly say now that the shell at least IS absolute solid. Stupid I know , but it's total rock :sly Min thickness repairs 1.2 and many thicker. Never a well thought out project and one that should have been scrapped years ago. However we kinda like it now :lol It's a very bad drug :eek:
You'll defo need the interior out for that mate :) oh and a lift :cool:
They're flippin impressive mind. I'd cut out all the rot and lifted the truck on the front of the slider. Whole car up and no front body mounts and the door still closes spot on. :naughty

Erm my body is lifted 2.6" :p