bio fuels

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Club Member
Feb 9, 2008
been thinking about making my own fuel but not quite sure where to start has anyone ever attempted it :?: had a word with the cafe owner next door to where i work and she will give me the waste cooking oil(for a small fee)got a 45 gallon drum at work,just got to get a heater and a motor for mixing it,found a website with all the instructions and equipment list,all seems quite straight forward apart from the chemistry stuff to test the finished product,but will cross that bridge when i come to it.any input or advice on using in my t2 would be greatly appreciated :?
Sorry I can't help with making biofuel but I heard on the news a few days ago that we all will be using it soon anyway as the goverment has told all the fuel companies that the have to put a min of 2.5% biofuel in all fuel made & this will go upto 5% :roll:
bio fuel

have heard mixed reviews on using it but its the cost of filling up at the pumps that has made me consider making my own.just dont want to damage my engine in the proccess,but if its going to be put in derv anyway it can't be all bad,probably got it in now and dont even know it 8O
ther has been a lot of talk about very mixed results form bio fuels, it has done untold damage to thousands of cars, my personal view is dont bother, if you want to save a penny or two try SVO (straigh vegetable oil) insted there are loads of threads running on this, if you do a search you will find them some went on for months!
Re: bio fuel

elty001 said:
but if its going to be put in derv anyway it can't be all bad,probably got it in now and dont even know it 8O

It's going to be added to petrol aswell 8O 8O I'm just wondering if the goverment are going to pay for the repair bills for peeps motors which don't like it :roll:
im sure its allready in petrol that corn methanol stuff, and dont forget the law says a minimum of 2.5% not a maximum so maybe any amount already!

But i am sure the stuff added b big fuel companies is controlled and of standardised quality (well I hope so!)

My point is its a complex process and not all the base veg oils you use are the same, trading standards did a piece on it not long ago and apparently virtrtualy every engine will take it, but its the bits and pieces pumps ecu stc that tend to not like it, and no two batches of home made fuel are the same, and no two makes and model of cars reactions to it are the same.
bio fuel

the more i think about it i keep wondering is it worth it,cheap to make but the mechanical problems,is it worth reducing the fuel cost to increase the repair cost.theres alot of sites that promote it,alot that denote it,are these sites run by full on eco warriors,or normal i just asking too many questions :?: its the mechanical aspects that bother me,can the pump take it,will it block the injectors/fuel pump :?: are we just scared to take the plunge and give it a go :?: will have to give it some seriuos thought before i make a descision.just wondered if any one does make there own and use it without any problems :?
will do that thanks rbrbt.its not so much the making it its what effects its going to have on my engine that is the real concern :?


Biodiesel Engines
Biodiesel refers to a diesel-equivalent processed fuel derived from biological sources (such as vegetable oils) which can be used in unmodified diesel engine vehicles.  However, the engine components must be specially manufactured or modified to accommodate 100% pure biodiesel.  Biodiesel is defined as mono-alkyl esters of long chain fatty acids derived from vegetable oils or animal fats which conform to ASTM D6751 specifications for use in diesel engines. Some vehicle manufacturers are positive about the use of biodiesel, citing lower engine wear as one of the fuel's benefits.  In the UK many only maintain their engine warranties for use with maximum 5% biodiesel which is blended in with 95% conventional diesel. This position is generally considered by many to be very cautious.  Peugeot and Citroën are also exceptions to this 5% rule, in that they have both recently announced that their PSA HDi engine can run on 30% biodiesel. 
Blends of 20 percent biodiesel with 80 percent petroleum diesel (B20) can generally be used in unmodified diesel engines. With the introduction of biodiesel in the UK, we will have a renewable fuel source, a reduction in our dependancy on  imported fuel and an oppotunity to  increase  manufacturing jobs.
bio diesel

thanks for that.have read simiular litrature on the use of bio fuels,i was just wondering if anyone has first hand experience of d.i.y diesel.more so the nissans engine and how it copes and what mods are needed,if any.these suppliers of bio fuel making equipment just tell you to make it,put it in and away you go :?
'conform to ASTM D6751'

and thats my point if you do it yourself you have no way of knowing if it will confirm.

now worst case scenario, it ruins you fuel pump and or injectors, I dont thnk much else is at risk, find out the cost of replacement and if your willing to take the gamble go for it, if not dont!

In my opinion it is that simple, and im not ready for the gamble, i am howver being persuaded by the SVO argumnet as at least you know the quality of fuel used and it requires not home chemistry or hours of extra work.

and surely that is where home made bio diesel fails, if you paid yourself for the time you spent making it there would be no saving!
point taken,i'm no chemist but its the difference in batches,source of used oil,water content of different used oils,that concerns me,as for the man hours involved your never going to bill yourself for every little d.i.y project you attempt but you havn't got to pay someone to do it for you.i'm no tree hugger(no offence meant)but if i can run on a cleaner,cheaper fuel then why not,anyway i think we are getting off point as i was wanting to know the mechanical aspects of running on bio diesel :?:
i agree with your point but for me there can be no known mechanical aspects with home made fuel that is the problem, there are a lot of members running on SVO which seems fairly straight forward not such a big saving but no work required!
well the local filling station has put its derv upto £1.18 ltr so looks like i'm going to find another.been looking for some more info on bio fuel outlets near me,cheshire is about the best they have to offer and its not that much cheaper than fossil so i can see you point about is it worth for svo thats not far behind derv unless you can buy it bulk but then you need to be self employed to get it at wholesale,looks like the old push bike will be getting a service and used for work,could do with getting rid of my beerbelly :smile:
or take a look at the veg oild forums it is about 98p litre at the moment but if fuel goes up so does the saving! and it seems to be more tried and tested by members!
rbrt said:
pm gego, seem to recall he made some on the kitchen table as an experiment maybe 2 years ago.

I stopped making it as it was nearly as expensive as Derv. Problem was the availability and cost of methanol. You can reclaim the methanol from the crap, but it makes the kit take up too much room(distillation). I also used new veg oil not used crap which makes the process longer and the cost of the new oil is not much less than derv.

Looks like they have us over a barrel. Don't matter what we try and do, find something cheaper to run the car on and they slap tax on it. If you could run em on water we wouldent need the trucks as we would all die of thirst.

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