Big problems!!

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Really what you want to do is get out the multimeter and start checking voltage at the battery when running, then check at the back of the alternator.Then you need to do voltage drop from neg of battery to casing of alterator and then from pos of battery to pos of alternator. when doing volt drop if you get any voltage readings you have a bad connection so you will have to follow the circuit to find where the bad point is.:thumbs
Really what you want to do is get out the multimeter and start checking voltage at the battery when running, then check at the back of the alternator.Then you need to do voltage drop from neg of battery to casing of alterator and then from pos of battery to pos of alternator. when doing volt drop if you get any voltage readings you have a bad connection so you will have to follow the circuit to find where the bad point is.:thumbs

:clap :thumbs
ive gone out and bought a new battery terminal for "live'" but stripping the cable from the other one is proving to be a pain in the bottom!
and the terminal i have is far to small for the wires to go through so will have to look for another one,i shall let you know how i get on
ive gone out and bought a new battery terminal for "live'" but stripping the cable from the other one is proving to be a pain in the bottom!
and the terminal i have is far to small for the wires to go through so will have to look for another one,i shall let you know how i get on

best to go to a commercial vehicle spares place, you can get battery clamps for thicker wires, or anywhere that supplies of fixes fork lift trucks!
sounds to me like a bad earth, you say uve checked all wirering but have all earth straps and battery leads got clean contacts with body ( no rust etc between contact points). Hope you get it sorted soon mate
ive now fitted a new terminal and dash lights came on almost instantly..went to start it and it went flat once again. really am baffled now,ive checked all the wiring,the altanator is fine,battery is fine too but somewhere its drawing to much power
Have you added any gizmos or gadgets i.e. power inverter :confused:

Is everything turning off i.e. interior light :confused:

Bit odd this :nenau
ive taken everything off the battery ie,spotlights,cb,linear amp etc..and its just the normal pos and live that goes onto the battery unless one of the standard relays are stuck switched to constant live?

I know that this is a long shot but it could be the starter motor.If you had a full battery and lights working before you tried to start it and the only thing you did was try and start the vehicle perhaps it has something to do with the starter?Just a thought.
Do any of your leads get warm i.e. live to your battery :confused: as that would indicate starter :thumbs
Listen to the good advice

Bad earth = power drain

You don't need to get bogged down in wiring diagrams for something so simple.!

no! bad earth = no power(or very little) not a drain, you need a circuit for a drain

i have a spare starter and was thinking of changing it earlier..but on the otherhand i had a fully charged battery on there last night,went to start it this morning and was dead
You say that the battery is dead. How do you know this, have you checked voltage of the battery after this happened? Or was
it that all the lights went off the dash when you turned the key. Flat battery is about 12.2v and bellow and fully charged about 12.8v.
I haven't read all this but if it were me, i'd be using a meter to test for drains on the system, start with the live lead off and testing the current flow between battery and positive lead with engine off, that wil show if there are any current drains. Then work fomr there one suspect item at a time.

Assuming of course your earths are in good order, also could test this with the meter on the negative terminal and the other lead on various points that should be earthed, i.e, body engine block etc.