big problem !

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Ok doing this know, camera ready etc....
hoses are a pain

I remove the battery and trying to remove the heater hose from the bulk head.... they kind of stuck, what is the best way to take them off ?
ok then

ok, started the dash in the mean time, very easy so far.... I am sure I will regret saying this today :augie

Pictures updated
getting there

I regret already, I just noticed most of the dash had been remove broken a lot at some places and really badly glued.... Lots of the plastic trim where the screws are broken.:nenau which will be trouble to put things back together.

Hoses tube removed with the Hair dresser...... warmed them up ! who said woman are not usefull :lol

Tea time and back to it

Ok I am ready to take off the matrix now..... from the dash. Updated pictures.

no problem so far, except the dash which was broken in the middle and will need some repairs before putting it back on. So I deduct that the major issue are the black plastic centre (under the console) which hold the centre console. This is the one to the one you need to take care if you don't want to brake anything.

Lunch now :clap

I meant hair dryer not hair dresser this morning........ I am just not funny :doh

I am going back now to take this thing off !
day 1 over

ok, I am stopping for today.

I have to put the dash back
put the hoses back under the bonnet
and stereo surrounding

updating the photos in a minute
I actually did..... until tomorrow and everything goes wrong :nenau

My friend mechanic said I would not be able to do it....... So just doing it to prove him wrong like when he said I could not do a swap engine with my 924 even if he lend me all the equipment of the Garage...... I did and never learn anything about mechanic so hopefully this will work ! :rolleyes:

Day 2

Hi Guys,

I started again at 9am, things seems to be good so far. As expected the dash repair was the most complicated and tried to do my best.....

I fixed it (I think) with only things I had at home, so still did not spent any money... except the radiator.

I need to find one thing, there was a small lead connected to one of the screw which I presume was a earth connection.... just can't remember where !
I am really impressed that you have tackled this job, certainly you have the satisfaction of having done the job, and also saving 6 hours of labour, which could be £300

I assume that a repair to the heater has probably been done before by someone in a hurry, and I wouldn't be surprised if when you look at the old matrix that it might have had a bodged repair done to it rather than a new replacement.
Have a look for a date code on the old matrix.

Well done best regards,
PS: Might get my wife's hair dresser to warm my hose.

Thanks a million guys.....

Again I know nothing about mechanic and can't name half of the things.

Without the club I would not be able to do it.

I am nearly there. But need help :

- I reconnect the Hoses and refill the water coolant and when I open the Radiator caps there is no water in it even if water tank if full. should I add water in the rad ? and how much ?

- My back and passenger window is not working anymore, which fuse do I need to check. My driver and sunroof is working


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