That's an earth. Definitely aftermarket. If nothing's not working then it doesn't need to be connected. If you find the wire, touch it to something metal. If it sparks you know it's connected to something. A fuse will blow, then you'll know what it's for.
Hi Guys,
Drove 220km tonight, no problem at all, no leak etc.... all electrics work perfectly.
I still can't figure out where this cable is gone :
I added a small arrow to make sure we are talking about the same thing. Is it original or added (as suggested) and it does not seem to bother the radio or anything else !!!! but it is gone ! (I can't find it !)
Just waiting for the new car seats to come now, with interior door card.
The dash fix did not work, the radio was too heavy for it.It will be a big job and need to make a bracket or something to old the trim properly. Any advices welcome.
Iandouglas the W20 was brilliant..... just need one thing : "take yoru time to remove the dash it is very fragile" :doh
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