battery dies overnight grrrrr !!!

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niks_terrano ii

Well-known member
Jan 14, 2010
Reaction score
hi guys i have a t2 terrano 2.7 tdi and out of the blue the battery went dead when i went out the next morning.

the previous day the battery had been fine pottering around stopping and starting no probs.
then all of a sudden like i said came out the next morning dead wouldnt start at all turned over a couple of times then it wouldnt turn over at all.

as its my 2nd car i just left it for a few weeks but now and again just unlocked the doors with the key fob then shut again and noticed the interior lights coming on the off again so had enough juice in the battery to keep then coming on then off again albeit very dim.

so yesterday thought id jump the truck off my car just to get her running again just incase any snows appears in the next few weeks (it'd be my luck that we have a foot of snow and i cant start the truck and im stuck in again lol)

so after a fashion the truck started up and i took her for a run approx 12 miles then let her idle again for about 25-30 mins.

turned her off and started her up again straight away no probs that was at 230pm yesterday went out this morning at 10amish and the now it wont even turn over just the dash lights come but very dim i go to turn her over and get a clicking from the battery area.

i also noticed that when i was in the process of jump starting her yesterday when taking the key in and out of the ignition whilst with the leads were on the battery charging from my other car and the drivers door open i was getting a beeping noise and when i shut the door and took the key in and out of the ignition the beeping went away ive never heard that before.

the car has a standard nissan alarm/immob.

the interior lights, radio and alarm siren have all been disconnected
the starter motor was replaced by me about 8 months ago and has been fine and in all that nasty cold weather we had she started every time no matter how cold it was now the weather has warmed a little shes mucking around.

the previous owner changed the battery a month before he sold it to me a year ago so the battery is only approx 13-14 moths old but i find it weird that out of the blue the battery decided to go flat.

i will be checking the alternator in the next few days and all the earths that go with it.
the battery terminals are new brass ones which i also replaced when i first bought her.

could it be a relay or something else perhaps ?

any help or suggestions would be great guys ive a trouble free year with her and cant wait to get some off roading time in her in the near future.

regards paul.
check your earth connections and the battery bcable connections first, both are prone to misbehaving...connectors need replacing with standard clamps if they have broken (as they do).
i think the beeps ocur after battery disconnect/drain, does it on mine when I disconnect the battery, but then ok after a short while (stops the beeping)
Charge your battery overnight then take to a motor factor. had this with my expert van battery just over a year was knacked cheepy battery.replaced no problem since.

Charge your battery overnight then take to a motor factor. had this with my expert van battery just over a year was knacked cheepy battery.replaced no problem since.


i agree check the battery first, I had this on one of our ford rangers recently, it was a duff battery. But the checking leads and battery clamps advice is also good as it may save you any future problems :thumb2

hi guys thanks for the replies the battery is a varta heavy duty battery but what i'l do is check the alternator is working properly too and check the terminals and earth wires aswell that will be a job for tomorrow me thinks footies on soon lol

i'l keep you all posted guys and thanks again for the swift replies.

i must say everyone on this forums is so much quicker to respond compared to the bmw forums i use for my other motor.

bmw owners / drivers :lol:lol:lol

regards paul