Bank Card Fraud

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Spill the beans Jim, which bank is it?
I just had a shouting match with the Halifax 'cause they no longer allow me to express clear a cheque on payig in:eek: They said they've reduced the clearing times to 5 days instead, ballocks I used to pay them a tenner to do it in a day. Now they'll be trying to charge me for overdraft as my moneis aren't cleared.:doh Bloody plonkers, I'll be leaving them as soon as it's cleared :eek:
I thought that but I need an appointment for the privalidge :doh No time for them, too much work to do for crimbo punters :naughty
Hi all, watch out shopping this Christmas.

We've just found out today that the wifes card has been cloned. They've taken us for hundreds and hundreds. Money saving Expert Web site has a lot of threads about the same thing from people who have bought from Amazon over the last few weeks!!! I'm not saying it's because of shopping there but worth taking precautions.

We are so carefull, we don't shop online often. We watch where we pay by card. Never give info out. Burn paperwork and don't shred.

Still waiting to see what the bank are going to do but as of 6 o'clock tonight they were still trying to spend our money. I'm pretty sure the bank will give the money back to us but it'll be timescale.

First we heard about it was an indian call centre phoning mobile phone wanting details from the wife. She told them to phone our home phone at 5:30 and wouldnt give number as they should have it if it is our bank. Anyway her mobile rang at 5:30 so she ignored it as it was the same number. Then house phone rang, I answered and it went dead. We googled the number and results said that it was a scam phone number. I wasn't happy and got wife to phone the bank as she wanted to ignore it. Turns out it is a fraud.

So watchout shopping online!

They have got me too. Had a phone call 8.30 Friday evening from my bank's Fraud department to say my debit card has been cloned, and they had cancelled the card. Doubting the authenticity of the call I phoned the bank back using the number on the back of the card, and sure enough it was true.
Apparently no fraudulent transactions had taken place (so how did they know my card had been cloned?)
I bank online so I checked all transactions for the past two weeks and the only items were 3 local supermarket purchases, 2 from iTunes and 2 from Amazon (ring any bells jims-terrano?)
My guess is that the culprit is Amazon, so it will be either no purchases from them, or credit card only.
The bank is sending me another card which will allegedly arrive in 7-10 days, problem is I am off to Spain on Wednesday, and I use my debit card for all cash withdrawals and diesel purchases when over there. When I explained this to them they said they would block the card for internet purchases only, meaning I could still draw cash and make purchases. That being the case, how do they know whether it's my card or the cloned one being used?
Just about to recheck my account to see if anything else suspect has gone through. B'stards!!!
fast clear chq

hi itried to fastclear a chq some months ago and was told you can no longer fast clear chq,s !! i use tessco c,card and they rang me to ask if i had bought several thou £of jewlry/and other things me said NO and my card was canceld instantly and was told it was not my problem ,and a new card was on its way .-----they allso said it could have been cloned ages ago :eek: roy

and after the slating they've had in the press this week too because they got into trouble.

Oh the High Street Barsteward Ctunts :doh hmmm left them many years back.
My daughter had her student account there for about 3 months before she saw the light :lol
Move on mate and do a swap account deal as you'll get yourself a few hundred quid in the deal and possibly cash back if you go Santander:thumbs