Aux Battery Install...

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Hey Rick, I fitted a second battery some time ago. This is called a 'leisure' battery and posted a pic to try to be helpful.
If that's the response I'm gonna get, I don't need to visit this forum again.
No such thing as a leisure battery, it is a start battery simple, Rick

The proof is in the construction, so cut both apart and check the plate thickness of each, you will not find much difference if any, now cut open a traction battery, and you will see the plates are possibly 10 times thicker, this is also what a leisure battery should look like but because the plates are so much thicker you will get far less amp hours out of it size for size, so it is easy to differentiate between a start battery and a leisure, for a given physical size say you get 110 amp hours from the start battery, you will only get 11 amp hours from a proper leisure, but you will only have around 30 amp hours available from the start before damage is done, whereas the leisure will be able to deliver 80% every day for 10 to 15 years, hope this helps, Rick

Make your mind up Rick. Is there such a thing as a leisure battery or not!!!!
Surely the two would equalise but surely easier to use jump leads between them and and start that way. Mind you if you were clever enough you would use correct grade of cables when fitting and even an old fashioned starter solenoid with a switch on your dashboard which will pretty much replace the use of jump leads.

Now waiting for Rustic to jump in and comment here:thumbs

Don't need to jump in here, you have described my back up battery well, mind you... I haven't have to use it yet, as the Mav is in the garage it never struggles, when it does, is when the battery is getting old, and you find out just how how bad it is, when the Mav has been left out in the frost overnight lol...:doh

Hey Rick, I fitted a second battery some time ago. This is called a 'leisure' battery and posted a pic to try to be helpful.
If that's the response I'm gonna get, I don't need to visit this forum again.

Hi Davey Boy, certainly thanks for your input, there is a lot of controversy about batteries, and Rick (Solarman) has the most experience of batteries, he has tried all sorts, he has spent thousands £ on batteries over the years, and tried them all, he has dismantled many. So every time he sees the term Leisure battery, his response is always the same, so don't take offence.
From his nick name, he has installed many solar powered systems.
There are only a few battery manufacturers in the world now, and many are rebranded.
You then have to consider that there is also a range of "Marine batteries" just the same as what are marketed as so called "Leisure" batteries, but you pay a higher premium lol. The CCA of a marine battery looks higher than a standard leisure battery, but the rating is based on a different temperature range.
Some people are mislead by this, as it looks a "better" battery, and is worth the extra £££
Uncle Rustic
Hi Davey Boy, certainly thanks for your input, there is a lot of controversy about batteries, and Rick (Solarman) has the most experience of batteries, he has tried all sorts, he has spent thousands £ on batteries over the years, and tried them all, he has dismantled many. So every time he sees the term Leisure battery, his response is always the same, so don't take offence.
From his nick name, he has installed many solar powered systems.
There are only a few battery manufacturers in the world now, and many are rebranded.
You then have to consider that there is also a range of "Marine batteries" just the same as what are marketed as so called "Leisure" batteries, but you pay a higher premium lol. The CCA of a marine battery looks higher than a standard leisure battery, but the rating is based on a different temperature range.
Some people are mislead by this, as it looks a "better" battery, and is worth the extra £££
Uncle Rustic

Well put Rustic.

I'm sure it is not personal Davey. I've seen Ricks set up and it's impressive and he's only got there through experience. Living off grid must be a challenge and hats off to him. This leisure battery topic has been raised loads since I've been here and it won't be the last time either. :thumbs
The proof is in the construction, so cut both apart and check the plate thickness of each, you will not find much difference if any, now cut open a traction battery, and you will see the plates are possibly 10 times thicker, this is also what a leisure battery should look like but because the plates are so much thicker you will get far less amp hours out of it size for size, so it is easy to differentiate between a start battery and a leisure, for a given physical size say you get 110 amp hours from the start battery, you will only get 11 amp hours from a proper leisure, but you will only have around 30 amp hours available from the start before damage is done, whereas the leisure will be able to deliver 80% every day for 10 to 15 years, hope this helps, Rick

Make your mind up Rick. Is there such a thing as a leisure battery or not!!!!

A traction battery is not a leisure battery, a traction battery is bloody huge and unsuitable for caravans etc. A starter battery can be used in caravans etc. but is not ideal due to poor performance on deep cycle, so SOMEWHERE inbetween there is a leisure battery, small and light enough to fit in caravans etc. but with significantly better deep cycle performance than a starter battery and also a longer life of approx 7-10 years. A genuine leisure battery will weigh more than a starter battery because it will have more lead in it, however some companys/brands/dealers label and market starter batteries as leisure batteries.

That's my quids worth anyhoo :lol, but like I say, everyday is a school day :D
Make your mind up Rick. Is there such a thing as a leisure battery or not!!!!

No there is no such thing as a leisure battery, the term leisure implies you can take it to a greater depth of discharge, but in practice you cannot as it is a start battery with a leisure label on it, but it is a very complicated subject, for instance you cannot actually get 110 amp hours from a 110 A/H battery, (well you might once or twice) but it will die very quickly after, if you want a full descriptive run down on batteries, in easy to understand terms, then please visit Sterling Power Products web site and read Charles Sterling's write up, I do not try to offend anyone, simple trying to eliminate misunderstandings and misconceptions about difficult to understand products, Rick
Hey Rick, I fitted a second battery some time ago. This is called a 'leisure' battery and posted a pic to try to be helpful.
If that's the response I'm gonna get, I don't need to visit this forum again.

Hi Davey Boy, was not being critical, and I am sure your set up works perfectly well, I was just pointing out the misconceptions surrounding the start/leisure battery issue, and I apologize if you took offence, Rick
TSdoug, I was not suggesting that we put traction batteries in our vans as you say they are heavy but unfortunately there is not very much in between, you can get 6volt cells that are much better than start batteries but they tend to be much taller so probably will not fit, it all comes down to what you need to run and for how long, you work out the amps draw and multiply by the number of hours needed, if it comes out at say 100 A/H then you need 3x100 A/H batteries if you want them to last a few years, just an example, Rick
Yeh it's a really interesting subject, Sterling website is great and he does some youtube vids too, it was maybe a couple of years ago when I happened accross the site I'll have to go back and have another read. There is loads to say about this but I don't wanna hijack the thread more.

Only one downside to a great forum like this, you can't put tone of voice into txt which I think sometimes leads to people being inadvertently offended....that and banshee constantly trying to flog people wheels or tyres :lol no offence Zac xx
Only one downside to a great forum like this, you can't put tone of voice into txt which I think sometimes leads to people being inadvertently offended....that and banshee constantly trying to flog people wheels or tyres :lol no offence Zac xx

Talking of offending folk.
Jay666d. Have you some measurements yet? This battery box isn't going to be around forever you know :p :p :lol
:doh Sorry Pete, completely forgot!

Truck is locked up at work tonight, so I'll have a measure tomorrow! :thumb2
The inside is bigger than my battery, but that's no issue because I could use that space to put my fuse box. It just may be a little tight between the air filter and whatever pipe work runs past...

... Although that pipe does have a bit of flex in it. :confused:
The inside is bigger than my battery, but that's no issue because I could use that space to put my fuse box. It just may be a little tight between the air filter and whatever pipe work runs past...

... Although that pipe does have a bit of flex in it. :confused:

It's yours if you want it :thumb2
Thanks again Pete for the offer, but I managed to get myself sorted with a cheap universal battery tray! :thumb2

All in! :D
