auto hubs........ i know i had to say it

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still got the problem in 4wd the stearing is all ok and ive changed the auto hubs but its pulling from side to side and feels like its tripping over its front wheels..

could it be the diff oil needs changing ?
replace the brake rings etc on the auto hubs ?

this is all i can think it is its not like its loose its like its just swiching drive wheels really quickly and very often

come on guys throw some ideas at me
I've heard in the past that old oil in the transfer box thickens at low temps. The solution to that is suposed to be replace with Synthetic. Surely can't be a bad idea to change the transfer box oil if you don't know it's history.

Jim T
still got the problem in 4wd the stearing is all ok and ive changed the auto hubs but its pulling from side to side and feels like its tripping over its front wheels..

could it be the diff oil needs changing ?
replace the brake rings etc on the auto hubs ?

this is all i can think it is its not like its loose its like its just swiching drive wheels really quickly and very often

come on guys throw some ideas at me

Are your back an front tyres all the same size? ie not different makes, or worn lower on one axle. (The same rolling radius)
yes all matching tires in size make and model,

one thing i have noticed if you take it easy up to 30mph in 4wd its not too noticeable or bad, but if you give it welly in 4wd its all over the place
If you jack it up and grab the wheel top and bottom and then each side and shake is there any movement in either plane? Not sure how you would test it but what about CV joints or UJ's.

Jim T
both obviously im careful on tarmac, and its less noticeable off road.

but as you know its used for all sorts of jobs involving free stuff and really don't need it breaking when im "somewhere i really don't want to get it stuck"

so it has to be tip top ya know
ive needed 4wd low to get home some times too!!!

well the sign DID say road CLOSED, but the long way around was 14 miles!
Know what you mean - came back from Wales last night in a right blizzard; A470 over the Brecons to Merthyr was just about passable but 4WD was a must!...M4 past Bristol was also getting covered by 10pm, so another brief hard shoulder stop required...