Auto hub question

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Well-known member
May 26, 2006
Just a quickie,

Ive just cleaned my hubs for the first time.

Is brake"A" and spring suspose to be in the housing when you take it of, neither were broken. It was hooked onto the main locker assembly.

They're kind of loose, sometimes they'll stick to the hub upright/carrier other times will fall out with the auto locking bit. The key is that Brake A mustn't fit fully inside Brake B, otherwise they don't work, oh and of course non must be broken.
Cheers Hummingbird

Thats ok then, they must be ok, but I'm going to check the circlip and washers "A" and "B" are there, don't remember seeing them then again weren't looking for them.

Dragging this up again

Just dragging this up again.

I have uploaded 2 photos to the "members help pictures only" section in the gallery (hopefully), both are of one of my auto hubs, fig 1 shows the hub and ring and fig 2 shows how the hub came off and how it went back on.
Being new to how these things work, can some one confirm that this is correct.

Just an update, photos are now in the gallery.



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