i really appreciate the offers of help , anytime is good for me , weekend is ok ,to be totally sure im not entirely sure what to check , or do , i guess the first thing is to check the atf levels correctly, both cold and hot ,er.. then perhaps drain some out and clean the filter , maybe even drain it all out and fill it up with new correct stuff , just a warning though , according to the manual it contains 8.5 litres of atf , i suspect that theres a bit more than that in , and i aint got anything to drain it into , im not entirely sure what sort of fluid my mechanic put in either , all i know is its a dark red , and lots of it . the stuff that he drained out was a lot darker and browner , and stunk , this stuff he put in didnt stink like the stuff he drained out and it looked redder ., many thanks , pete