another newbie , please be gentle im a nissan virgin

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or give too much pressure . or something . otherwise why put a dip stick on it if you can fill it to where you think is enough:augie
Will you please check the fluid level tomorow when it all cold and before you start the engine, I'll be backi on here tomorow am.


In my experience auto boxes are fussy buggers and can act up badly if only the slightest thing is wrong.

Here are my main points to check before spending a heap of cash (or losing hope):

1. Check levels exactly as manufacturers guide - any other way will not give an accurate reading.

2. Top up exactly as MG too - incorrect filling can cause airlocks and foaming. Some AT units need to be topped up/filled with the engine running.

3. Use the right fluid

4. Make sure that the gearbox filter is regularly changed - AT boxes rely entirely on fluid pressure to operate correctly. A clogged filter can make an otherwise sound box seem like a broken one.

As an example, I used to have a V12 XJS; when my wife took it for an MOT the garage "helpfully" topped up the gearbox. A couple of days later it dumped it's ATF all over the road and left me without drive but I just about limped home.

Understandably I didn't fancy having to fetch that great lump out so I did my research and after a new filter and a correct fill up it worked perfectly and never leaked another drop. It turned out that the garage had topped it up with the engine turned off and the subsequent airlock had caused the ATF to foam up which then caused enough pressure to blow it out through the front seal.

Remember, not all mechanics are good mechanics and even good ones don't know eveything about every vehicle!

Hope that helps

im so confused , my mechanic refuses to touch it , he says he has advised me to go to a auto gearbotox specialist , if i choose to ignore his advice he isnt responsible for any damage that may occur , plus i havent paid the bill yet for him topping it up in the first place, even though i said it would be next week , it seems he doesnt wanna know.all i did was ask if he could come across and check the levels properly and drain any out if neccesary .
well looks like he wont be getting paid either then ...

is anyone local from here to pop around so we know what we are up against .................... please
I'd nip round with Clivvy if ya want but I aint got a clue about auto's. Won't be until the weekend tho as the clock's aint given us lighter evenings yet:doh

i think in view of the situation , its got to be worth sorting something at the weekend if you guys can . even if its just to get the fluids up to the right levels.

it will def save pete getting the run around from everyone
I'm in Halifax, just round the corner. Again though aint a clue about autos... manuals aint much better with!!!


What would you want checking Extreme???
i really appreciate the offers of help , anytime is good for me , weekend is ok ,to be totally sure im not entirely sure what to check , or do , i guess the first thing is to check the atf levels correctly, both cold and hot ,er.. then perhaps drain some out and clean the filter , maybe even drain it all out and fill it up with new correct stuff , just a warning though , according to the manual it contains 8.5 litres of atf , i suspect that theres a bit more than that in , and i aint got anything to drain it into , im not entirely sure what sort of fluid my mechanic put in either , all i know is its a dark red , and lots of it . the stuff that he drained out was a lot darker and browner , and stunk , this stuff he put in didnt stink like the stuff he drained out and it looked redder ., many thanks , pete
Torque convertor problem ?

I have driven automastics for over 40 years and I have never experienced any problems with them. They fail extremely rarely and if its typical of Nissan engineering they are usually better than others on the market.

A more common problem with automatics is something called flairing and is best described as slipping between gears this can be caused by simple things such as the wrong type of ATF fluid and overfilling with fluid.

If its a serious auto failure you have very dark ATF instead of bright pink and it smells burnt.
If it has done a high mileage it may never have had a gearbox screen filter and fluid change.

When you check the ATF level when the vehicle is stone cold and on level ground it will often be below the minimum mark this is quite OK.

The level is best checked when the engine is very hot after a 20 mile or so run done with the engine running in Park.

If the oil level is between the marks its OK. If it is over the top line you have too much fluid.

Was the guy on e-bay a trader or has he owned the vehicle for some time ? I would speak to the last owner and try to get som clues from them
arrghh, this is so frustrating. i'm pretty tied up this weekend. i have a meeting with a chap from my Mazda forum on Sunday, but the other half also wants us to crack on shifting some rubbish and cutting some wood for the caravan, I'm not committing myself, but i'll see if i can find some time. again, like so many, i aint got a clue about autos!
in fact IF I do come over Briggie, i'll bring my camera, and ill takes pics of everything in case we dont make much physical progress, then we can at least enlighten a few of the experts...
no rush folks , its not going anywhere lol , seriously any help whenever recieved is good , whenever you can help , its so bluddie frustrating not being able to do it myself . many many thanks for your help and advice allready . kind regards and many thanks pete .

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