That's cool well done, take it,I would. Had I been given the chance!
It's not the speed cameras or plod that get my goat , it's the arbitary way people get done. By that I mean plod tax van parked up as hidden as poss, on the way OUT of town, in the 40mph zone (after the 30) but just before the open road. So most people (agreed wrongly) accelerate out of town looking forward to some space and get on with the journey.BINGO scores of pretty pics. Now that is just TAX. It's also clear that these so called safety cameras are not placed where danger may occur, but where the most likely collection rate will be reached.
I agree "speeding" is wrong, but driving fast needn't be. It is not that I condone speeding in a 30 for example either.
I wish it was a safety issue that the filth were working to sort but it just is a TAX. There would be a much greater reduction in "speeding" with police presence as opposed to cheatable cameras.
Anyway, I guess some of you must be boys in blue or similar, why is it that when we ring plod to report drugs being sold outside the school gate, the answer from the bizzies was "We're busy at the moment, we'll pop round later".
Cheers, well done that'll do it!
When my shop window got smashed, plod couldn't even be bothered to tell me. Next door shop(also smashed) rang me at 3 in the morning.And no they didn't look into it either.
Our neighbours had their car badges prizzed off by some idiots on the way home from the pub, but rozzers wouldn't even come and have a word .
So you may see why I think they just look at drivers as cash cows, and easy pickings.
So there!