Another 2.4 running RUFF

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Apr 27, 2008
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Hi guys I'm stuck again :(
My 2.4 petrol has been running rough but intermitant. Makes no odds if hot or cold but feels like the turbo had stopped(I know it doesnt actually have on) then it perks up again for a bit :?
If I floor it off it goes again but then back to cruise and blrb ruff :evil:
I've put new fuel filter,new plugs,new leads,new dizzy cap,new rotor arm,all seals are sound(no damp I can find). Taken air filter out , put it back!
Any ideas
Just seen on another thread a MAF thing! Could this be my problem? What is it and where is it? Can I check it and/or fix it?
You will find the Maf unit on the pipe from the air filter to the inlet manifold (if i'm wrong one of the petrol boys will put my straight) there should be about 4 or so wires coming out of it. In simple turms what it does is measure the amount of air going into the engine & poss the temp then the ECU tells the injectors how much fuel to put in to match the amount of air.
ruff runner

no maf sensor on my 1996 2.4,not an electrical connection of any type on the air intake.
you not funning your petrol take super low are you, all the rubish is there, just an idea

had it on a kit car, used and old take and fitted at an odd angle, so all the crap was very close to the outlet..

Hi Zippy I think the petrol take off is standard set up. I've not fiddled with it anyway. I've put a new filter in and the old one didn't look that old either!
Made no difference.
MPG now down to about 20 :evil: :evil: :evil:
I had a 4litre jeep with better mpg :roll:
Re: ruff runner

elty001 said:
no maf sensor on my 1996 2.4,not an electrical connection of any type on the air intake.

There is on my 96N under the funny metal U shaped airbox onto of the throttle body. You'll need to remove the airbox thing to see it.
ruff runner

never thought to look on that end of the intake and it was dark so probably not the best time to try looking for something like that.i stand corrected.
Hi guys I've had a look for this MAF jobbie and found loads of cable plug/socket multi things all round the carb!
Which one is it?
Once identified can I do anything with it to test it?
Help some more please.
I've checked out the pdf and my maf and fiddled with egr put some beer in my mug BUT still the bl**dy thing hates me :evil:
Now I think I'm missin something(other than my marbles)
Any other clues :roll:
ok bridging IGN and CHK on the OBD connector for acouple of seconds with key on will make the ecu flash out any codes via the MIL. Do this first note them down, and then clear whats there. Drive the vehicle and again and see which return.

11 - CAS in distrubutor, wiring, or on crankshaft fault.
12 - MAF fault.
13 - CTS fault
14 - VSS fault
21 - ignition voltage low / intermittent
23 - TPS fault -idle range
24 - TPS fault- full load
25 - Aux air valve fault, if fitted (ac only)
33 - o2 sensor fault
34 - knock sensor circuit / knock count exceeded
41 - air temp sensor range / fault
43 - TPS circuit fault
51 - injector circuit fault to ground
55 - no faults detected

Should be a starting point for you.

makeitfit said:
Help some more please.
I've checked out the pdf and my maf and fiddled with egr put some beer in my mug BUT still the bl**dy thing hates me :evil:
Now I think I'm missin something(other than my marbles)
Any other clues :roll:

Did you manage to sort out your motor? I am interested to know what typically goes wrong with these engines as I have the same one. Mine is not running as good as I think it should, but intermittently. I have just taken the distributor cap off and found the contacts very badly scaled up so I have cleaned these off. I will road test it going to work tomorrow, fingers crossed!
Timbo_1975 said:
ok bridging IGN and CHK on the OBD connector for acouple of seconds with key on will make the ecu flash out any codes via the MIL.

Whats the MIL?
Hi again,sorry to report still no improvment in POWER. grrr
No mil light but not had a chance to take the dash apart to get the bl**dy ecu out :roll:
I looked in my dizzy cap it too was poo but made no diff even with a new one in it :|
Wish I could fix it but will prob cost more than the truck cost 8O
Bought anoyher one to do up instead 8)
OK I'll be taking it apart tomorrow in a last chance saloon garage session to try 'n' fix it :x
How would the compression good or bad affect intermittant power loss though? :?
Cheers for now
makeitfit said:
OK I'll be taking it apart tomorrow in a last chance saloon garage session to try 'n' fix it :x
How would the compression good or bad affect intermittant power loss though? :?
Cheers for now

ok lets look at this logically..... do you have power loos when you start the journey. (cold engine)

so what happens to cause power loss, either when its warmer and not cold. or vibration

vibration just check all connections etc

warmer ? spark plugs are they the right ones, fuel lines , also what expands or contracts when its warm cold cause air leek
Unfortunately it's not anything I can pin down. No diff if hot or cold. Once it starts its like a plug out or your turbo off!
I've checked plugs though.
I guess its one of those damn emmision control gadgets stuck on to appease the green mob :evil:
So will have that dash off and expose the ecu, closely followed by a good rogering with some screwdrivers hammers and beer :roll:

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