Be Responsible
Hi Colin,
What's to get??
I can't teach you anything............. its the old joke
"how many psyciatrists does it take to change a light bulb"
"But the lightbulb really has to want to change"
Change is up to you.
When we lane, we should know where we're going is legal and open for us to drive. It's no good saying to me or to any of my colleagues, 'I didn't know'.
Ignorance of the law is no excuse.
I took the decision several years ago to take a proactive stance against those who rip up our countryside. I've tried various approaches but the only one which seems to work with hardliners, is prosecution.
I'd rather people got together with those who know the lanes, via mud club, glass, crag or here or wherever.......... and enjoyed themselves driving legally wherever they want to. There are two main approaches I use.
Peer, where I approach people who are either where they shouldn't be or causing damage to rights of way deliberately,
Legal, where I gather such evidence as necessary to present to the DPP in order to pursue a prosecution.
I have to say that most approaches have been peer orientated although a recent sting operation by north wales police with local authority assistance saw 48 prosecutions, several cars seized and a number of S59's made out. One of those was a well known motorcyclist together with 5 of his mates.
Make no bones about it, given the dire closures we face, we need to be seen to be looking after our rights of way, if we don't, then we'll lose them, prosecution repeat offenders is the only way forward, and prosecute, I will.
I for one, will not allow some mud riddled lane damaging numpty to lose neither myself or any of my fellow laners any more of our rights of way.
Anyway, onto more pleasant things
MPV's bring a lot of revenue to the countryside, camping,B&B's, beer, bacon butties, snacks............... the list goes on.
Ramblers bring their car, park it on a verge, stride off into the wild green yonder, dabbing the ground with their sticks and lobbing the odd rock at a car they think shouldn't be allowed. They drink their tea from pre prepared flasks, eat their packed lunch, return to their supermarket filled cars and go home, leaving only the tire tracks on the recently occupied verge. No revenue, little input into the locality in which they've enjoyed their ramble, just pollution, not to mention the filled litter bins with the residue from their pre purchased pre made lunches.
MPV............ totally different attitude and way of thinking.
Many MPV users take part in lane clearance events, even lane repairs. Those who feel a need perhaps to put something back, make an offering of whats most important to them, time.
I'd love to come to one of our meetings, seeing as I'm a member here
CRAG has a meeting at Ewloe on the 3rd tuesday of each month, you'd be more than welcome.