Alarm not working

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Well-known member
May 24, 2009
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Tested my alarm tonight as I had my suspicions all wasn't as it should be, and I was right. The hazard lights flash but there's no sound. I presume that the sound should come from the horn..? If so, I wonder if it's got owt to do with my hooter being on a flicker switch on the dash?


Don't know why it's there..? Was told about it when I was looking at the car but never questioned it. :doh

Is there an easy fix for the alarm?
some of the alarms im told have there OWN horn, not sure it its true though.

daft place to have a horn, mine is on the wheel as normal..
daft place to have a horn, mine is on the wheel as normal..

Yup. Now I'm wondering if the bloody air bag would work ok..? If someone's had the wheel off for some reason, why couldn't they have just re-wired the horn as was, instead of to the daft little switch? The more I dig, the more shite I unearth it seems.
stop digging then :nenau


i cant see how it passed mot with a flick switch for the horn...
what year is it is the wood effect standard or been added after
The horn for the alarm should be separate and in the back behind the near side panel in the boot.
so is that the one that goes off when your towing and you indicate.... im guessing he could test it if he plugs a trailer in :nenau save ripping the car apart...
any pics of your alarm ? mine is on the bonnet by the fuel filter
so is that the one that goes off when your towing and you indicate.... im guessing he could test it if he plugs a trailer in :nenau save ripping the car apart...
any pics of your alarm ? mine is on the bonnet by the fuel filter

nope Col - the towing electrics include a buzzer which is only activated when a trailer electrical connector is plugged in..
i cant see how it passed mot with a flick switch for the horn...
what year is it is the wood effect standard or been added after

It's a 98 R. I believe trim is as it should be. Did a basic online check before I bought it and everything seemed to check out ok. MOT is due in October, you saying that it wouldn't pass as it is now? :doh
is the wood effect wheel right for his model paul ??????

hard to say, don't think its too common on earlier trucks but remember there were so many parallel imports with overseas specs not made for the UK market.

But somebody has definitely been at that truck haven't they, moving the horn to such a daft place.

GB there should be a small panel on the side of the steering wheel boss where the airbag electrical connector is - worth popping it off with a screwdriver to see if its wired up still? As you imply, its a bit odd that the horn needed relocating.....theres a spiral cable in the boss that can break if not properly fitted but I'd expect an airbag light if you had such a breakage....
GB there should be a small panel on the side of the steering wheel boss where the airbag electrical connector is - worth popping it off with a screwdriver to see if its wired up still? As you imply, its a bit odd that the horn needed relocating.....theres a spiral cable in the boss that can break if not properly fitted but I'd expect an airbag light if you had such a breakage....

Cheers, I'll have a look Thursday. Truck staying at home tomorrow as out on the lash straight from work and boy, do I need a few beers after this evening...:beer
The horn for the alarm should be separate and in the back behind the near side panel in the boot.

will have a poke, mind dont work either..

nope Col - the towing electrics include a buzzer which is only activated when a trailer electrical connector is plugged in..

should i have a buzzer then.. nothing when towing caravan or railers..

Cheers, I'll have a look Thursday. Truck staying at home tomorrow as out on the lash straight from work and boy, do I need a few beers after this evening...:beer

relax, all the problems will still be there, take you time..
I've had three towbars Zip and they've all had 'em...not sure if its a legal requirement or what?:nenau

It is, audible or visual warning in the cab when your trailer lights are flashing in conjunction with the towing vehicle.

The idea is if theres no lightor sound youve either

  1. Got a blown bulb or
  2. Lost the trailer
so i should have one really then...

might fit one if told to for MOT, but not other wise.
always make sure the lights all work before moving off any way..
The one on one of my cars never worked properly and was never picked up on. But then I'm no MOT whizz.

The big advantage of the buzzer is it sits in the boot out of the way and you can hear it, theres no need to run a wire and fit yet another warning light into the dash.
always make sure the lights all work before moving off any way..

Just watch out in case one of your non failing indicator bulbs blow ;) its also a good check when it beeps that the plug hasnt worked loose at all or suffered any kind of on the road failure.

Just remember if someone goes up your backside and says they didn't see brake or indicator lights your vehicle may well be examined there and then at the roadside with a close eye on the towing electrics (been there done that) Its also dead easy after a smack to look at the bulb even if its bust and tell by a simple visual exam whether it was on or not when it got broken ;) (got someone to do that :D )

tbh mate its one of those £5.99 easy fix things you don't appreciate until you could have done with it being there and your world has gone wrong :cool:

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