Aircon, help please!!

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Sep 6, 2008
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Help needed please for one very pissed off (at the mo anyway :( ) TII owner.

I've just had my aircon recharged and the source of the leak has become apparent after a days use!!! in fairness I watched the whole process of doing it and it passed the vacuum test and worked absolutely no problem initially.

Anyway, apart from another top up I need parts. I've posted the pics below, the leak is from behind the rubber protective sleeve on the fatter pipe that has the hp valve on it.

I would be grateful if anyone who is aware of a TII being scrapped or even has a pipe like this laying around (youve got to ask :augie) could help me out sourcing one. I'm making enq but I've got that horrible nasty expensive feeling in the pit of my stomach Cash will be winging its way to you for the right part at the right price.

Thanks in advance



Preg t2 just gone into bells breakers at bishop auckland today. good luck
Well apparently this is such a rarely knackered part, no one bothers selling them :confused: couple of breakers have them in and best price so far £35 not bad at all when you look at Nissans offering...£64 + Vat :eek: the upside is theyre that rarely replaced there's factory stock in the country on a two day delivery ;) would have thought they could do a better discount
I'm needing an a/c pipe too- the one that traverses the condensor from the receiver drier to the small pipe you show in your pic.

And, guess what? It too is leaking from beneath the rubber sleeve!!

Mine has done the same as Tims. am going to get 2 compression joints and a straight piece of pipe and cut off the rubber sleeves just above the bend and put a straight piece across - comp joints only cost a £1 each and be cheaper than a new pipe as the rest of the pipe is good.
Mine has done the same as Tims. am going to get 2 compression joints and a straight piece of pipe and cut off the rubber sleeves just above the bend and put a straight piece across - comp joints only cost a £1 each and be cheaper than a new pipe as the rest of the pipe is good.

what diameter pipe is it out of interest?
Small pipe is 8 mm was going to cut above both upper bends and put in piece straight across with 2 compresion joints as they corrode in the rubber sleve where it is hidde n . I wondered what the green stuff was on top of my aircon ad then when I turned on aircon nothing happened thats when the penny dropped.
microbore tube comes in 8 and 10mm, fittings from plumbing merchants. what are pipes made from? If brass or copper could be brazed bri
Had the same problem with horizontal pipe over rad. Corroded and pinholed under rubber sleeves. ( New pipe from Nissan priced at £69.00 plus.:eek::eek:)
It had passed a vacuum test ok but there was still a leak.
I presume the vacuum pulls the rubber tight against the pinhole :doh
Made up a PRESSURE test rig with old gauge off Halfords regas bottle and 12volt tyre inflator. That found the hole(s) :augie. Made up new pipe with ally 10mm from Homebase, cut out bad length of 8mm; reamed 10mm out to interference fit over 8mm ,slid it over 8mm sealed with superglue.----youv'e got to be quick !---- Tested under pressure and it held for a few days.
Got regassed at KwikFit, all seems OK now. Icy blast from vents :clap.

The ally pipes always seem to corrode under the rubber sleeves, never elsewhere. I have removed all the sleeves possible now and made sure pipes do not chaffe on anything.
Fingers crossed that it all keeps working well during the comming hot summer :lol:lol
Thought I had removed all rubber sleeves until I saw the very helpful pics posted by DAVED on 1st April ( no fooling, they are very usefull pics---- thanks daved ).
Had a closer butchers at my bus and found the similar rubber sleeve. Removed it and found a mass of oxidisation underneath. Cleaned off, soaked with WD40,binned rubber sleeve and now hope that the corrosion has been caught before leaks develope. Fingers crossed.
Once again; thanks for posting the pic daved