Air Con sensor?

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Well-known member
Mar 10, 2009
guys, the little dryer for the air con, what sensor is this sitting on top?


it is a pressure switch, stops the pump if not enough gas in the system, no gas = no oil circulation = damage to compressor if run for long, Rick
it is a pressure switch, stops the pump if not enough gas in the system, no gas = no oil circulation = damage to compressor if run for long, Rick

excellent, thanks Rick!

Im going to have my system topped up, and if it still doesn't work ill change the sensor first as its cheap (had the same issue on my Fiat and it was the sensor)

For one or two seconds can't you bypass switch also no point in regass to take switch out as need degassing to remove
Take a cap off stick A tent peg on the filling valve while making sure your hands are clear that will show you if you have gas at least, won't let you know the amount clearly but if empty you know to give the condenser a good looking over for holes

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cheers guys, it more or less empty - already tried the advice you offered Dave but thank you. I could do with testing the compressor as Craig suggests but haven't got a clue how to!
There's a single wire and plug cable tied to the air con pipe looping over the air filter pipe. Unplug this and give it a feed from the battery live (bit of wire) while the engine is off, you should hear the electronic clutch engaging on the compressor, if so do the same running and you should see the front pulley engage, but do it momentarily only as if it is low the oil will also be low and not flowing and you wouldn't want to damage it.

I would add video but I don't know how to on taptalk

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mate, that's brilliant thankyou very much!! I will give this a go later this week, fingers crossed that works. If it is working, then ill chance a re gas, though if the sensor isn't expensive I might just replace that anyway. After that, just got to hope there isn't actually a leak but if there is hopefully the DYE will show up..:bow
They do accept there is leakage on a/c systems so if it hasn't been charged previously to your knowledge it's likely to have seeped out, I recharged mine when I got it as I could hear air in the system but wasn't quite low enough on pressure to not work

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yeah I do wonder if mine just hasn't be recharged for years - every thing looks in order in terms of the pipe work and connectors, but I suppose I really wont know until its gassed - I just don't want to gas it until I know the compressor works (all other parts are inexpensive and simple to replace)...
I had to get long nose pliers on the release button on the plug as it was very stiff and then pull some to get it apart too just thought if let you know.

No problem it's the circle of life here it seems, I'll soon enough ask for help and I can guarantee someone will pop up with the answer

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If like mine the condenser should be very easy to replace… there doesn't seem to be much holding it up, box section cross member being fitted next week

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cheers Dave, you're right, what goes around comes around :thumbs
yeah I do wonder if mine just hasn't be recharged for years - every thing looks in order in terms of the pipe work and connectors, but I suppose I really wont know until its gassed - I just don't want to gas it until I know the compressor works (all other parts are inexpensive and simple to replace)...

I got compressors you can have, but they seldom fail, locate the test points on the gas lines, they have plastic screw caps on them remove cap and push in pin (like a tire valve) bet you get no hiss of gas = no gas and a leak, Rick

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