Number one injector needle sensor error 34

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Happy to report that I am fully mobile once more. In the end I forked out the £146 for a new Bosch (made in India) injector with sensor (99 ohms in case anyone is interested) and now the thing is going better than ever. Way more responsive with almost the sensation of another power band over 3000 revs. Although this is admittedly helped by the Digimafam off an MG. However as I said it is now way quicker.

I did test out driving with just the sensor from Rick, connected to give the 105ohms which worked on the initial check code and did allow normal gentle driving. However as soon as I got to a hill or forgot to build the speed slowly the engine check light would come in and back into limp mode. This time error 91, again needle load sensor related.

So with my new found speed the next job has best be to sort out the ABS. After which I think I will be investing in a cheap nozzle pop tester and giving the other three overhaul. The one that came out had some very stubborn looking carbon deposited around the pintle.

Thank you everyone who this as to begin with it really had me questioning the long term feasibility of Terrano ownership.

Now love the Terrano once more
Interesting, glad you got sorted in the end but how did you manage to test my sensor? without a tester you could not assemble the injector, I assume you put my top body on your old injector but as said without a tester you could not set it up, Rick
Interesting, glad you got sorted in the end but how did you manage to test my sensor? without a tester you could not assemble the injector, I assume you put my top body on your old injector but as said without a tester you could not set it up, Rick

Rick, I fitted a brand new one in the end. Yours I tested with a multimeter just to make sure it was OK and it read 105ohms. Then I left my busted one in the car but disconnected it from the electrics and connected the top half of what you gave me with it resting on the block. That way I was able to run the car, it was better but still tripped out into limp mode.

Once I get the nozzle pressure tester I will be taking the rest out cleaning them and adjusting the crack off pressure. At that point I will be rebuilding my broken one with your top.

Have some plans to use lower crack off pressure to, in effect, advance the timing. My thoughts are that this would be accentuated if No 1 remained higher but within tolerance so that ECU remained unaware and so did not compensate. Running on veg I want to create the longest possible burn window. Lots of variables.I know, particularly if thinning with petrol but you get the drift I'm sure.
Ah right, so the ECU saw a good sensor but no pulses in response to injection so yes limp mode would be expected.

Re lowering the crack pressure is certainly a method of effectively advancing the timing, are you using 2-EHN? Rick
Ah right, so the ECU saw a good sensor but no pulses in response to injection so yes limp mode would be expected.

Re lowering the crack pressure is certainly a method of effectively advancing the timing, are you using 2-EHN? Rick

Yes, as soon as fuel demand was less than gentle straight back into limp as no feedback.

Again yes, still using the 2EHN and various percentages of petrol in the veg oil, depending on temp, so already get some advance effect but through increased burn rate rather than actual timing.

May leave things as they are but knowing the nozzles need a clean I am very tempted to give it ago. At the moment the burn must be fairly complete as the BBQ smell isn't massively strong.
What does the addition of Petrol do for you, Rick

It's only there to thin the waste veg oil down enough so as not to put too much strain on the pump. In fact, other than possibly increasing the burn rate it is of no value as it actually robs the mix of calorific value. Hence the 2EHN. Now the hot weather has arrived the amount of petrol added will be reduced to next to nothing. In fact once the ABS is sorted the next task ought to be fitting a big bore fuel line as that makes a massive difference to veg oil delivery.