is AA still relay as opposed to point to point with RAC
the relay always put me off AA
Your Breakdown Quote
<FORM id=roadapp action=/breakdown-cover/uk-breakdown/ method=post sagaGroupCSAfAP="1">
Single cover
You as the driver or passenger in any eligible vehicle.
Joint cover – 2 people living together
As the drivers or passengers in any eligible vehicles.
Family cover – up to 4 people living together
As the drivers or passengers in any eligible vehicle.
Vehicle cover
Cover for one particular vehicle, whoever is driving.
Roadside – this is the minimum level of cover and provides roadside assistance in the UK, 24 hours a day, every day of the year.
Relay – national recovery to a UK mainland destination of your choice, if we're unable to fix your car at the roadside or arrange a prompt local repair.
Home Start – a quarter of breakdowns happen at or near home, and Home Start provides assistance in these situations.
Stay Mobile – if you've broken down and we can't arrange a prompt local repair, Stay Mobile provides alternative travel arrangements.
Single cover
You as the driver or passenger in any eligible vehicle.
Roadside – this is the minimum level of cover and provides roadside assistance in the UK, 24 hours a day, every day of the year.
Relay – national recovery to a UK mainland destination of your choice, if we're unable to fix your car at the roadside or arrange a prompt local repair.
Home Start – a quarter of breakdowns happen at or near home, and Home Start provides assistance in these situations.
Stay Mobile – if you've broken down and we can't arrange a prompt local repair, Stay Mobile provides alternative travel arrangements.
no discount
£190.50 per year
Annual membership
£18.57 per month
Continuous monthly membership
Parts and labour
Breakdown Repair Cover – helps cover costs for replacement parts and garage labour up to £500 (including VAT; less £25 excess) following a breakdown attended by the AA. Adding this costs from
Step 1: Award winning Roadside Assistance as standard
<TABLE class=innerMatrixTable style="PADDING-BOTTOM: 0px"><TBODY><TR><TD class="tdBottom tdRight">
Roadside Assistance
We'll fix your car at the roadside, as long as you are over ¼ mile away from home. If in the unlikely event that we can't fix it, we'll tow you to an approved garage within 10 miles.
</TD><TD class="tdRight tdBottom" style="WIDTH: 100px; TEXT-ALIGN: center">
Step 2: Choose additional options
<TABLE class=innerMatrixTable><TBODY><TR><TH style="WIDTH: 150px">Cover Option</TH><TH>Details</TH><TH class=tdRight style="WIDTH: 100px">Selection</TH></TR><TR><TD class=tdLeft><LABEL for=atHome>At home</LABEL></TD><TD><LABEL for=atHome>We'll come to your assistance if your car won't start when you're home or if you break down within a ¼ of a mile of your house.</LABEL></TD><TD class=tdRight style="TEXT-ALIGN: center"><INPUT class=checkB id=atHome type=checkbox CHECKED jQuery1249772399799="8"></TD></TR><TR><TD class=tdLeft><LABEL for=nationalRecovery>Nationwide recovery</LABEL></TD><TD><LABEL for=nationalRecovery>Our Nationwide recovery promise means that we'll transport your vehicle, you and up to seven others to your destination anywhere in the UK</LABEL></TD><TD class=tdRight style="TEXT-ALIGN: center"><INPUT class=checkB id=nationalRecovery type=checkbox CHECKED jQuery1249772399799="7"></TD></TR><TR class="" jQuery1249772399799="2"><TD class="tdBottom tdLeft"><LABEL for=onwardTravel>Onward travel</LABEL>
(Available if you select Nationwide recovery)
</TD><TD class=tdBottom><LABEL for=onwardTravel>A replacement car for up to 3 days while yours is being fixed. Or we will provide overnight accommodation or onward travel.</LABEL></TD><TD class="tdRight tdBottom" style="TEXT-ALIGN: center"><INPUT class=checkB id=onwardTravel type=checkbox CHECKED jQuery1249772399799="9"></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
Step 3: Choose your type of cover?
<FIELDSET><LEGEND>Cover type</LEGEND><TABLE class=promoTable><TBODY><TR><TD colSpan=2><INPUT id=personalCover type=radio CHECKED value=personalCover name=mycoverage><LABEL for=personalCover>
Personal Cover
Covers you in any vehicle *</LABEL>
<INPUT id=vehicleCover type=radio value=vehicleCover name=mycoverage jQuery1249772399799="14"><LABEL for=vehicleCover>
Vehicle Cover
Cover up to 3 vehicles whoever's driving *</LABEL>
</TD></TR><TR><TD style="WIDTH: 70px"><INPUT class=checkB id=single type=radio CHECKED value=single name=covertype jQuery1249772399799="10"><LABEL for=single>Single</LABEL></TD><TD class=tdRight><LABEL for=single>Covers you as a driver or passenger in any vehicle.*</LABEL></TD></TR><TR><TD><INPUT class=checkB id=joint type=radio value=joint name=covertype jQuery1249772399799="11"><LABEL for=joint>Joint</LABEL></TD><TD class=tdRight><LABEL for=joint>Covers you and one other named member of your household as a driver or passenger in any vehicle. *</LABEL></TD></TR><TR><TD class=tddBottom><INPUT class=checkB id=family type=radio value=family name=covertype jQuery1249772399799="12"><LABEL for=family>Family</LABEL></TD><TD class="tdRight tdBottom"><LABEL for=family>Covers you and up to four named members of your household as a driver or passenger in any vehicle.*</LABEL></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></FIELDSET>
Step 4: Your chosen cover
<TABLE class=promoTable style="HEIGHT: 212px"><TBODY><TR><TD class=tdRight colSpan=2>
Single cover Roadside assistance with:
At home, Nationwide recovery, Onward travel.
</TD></TR><TR><TD class=tdRight>Standard price</TD><TD class=tdRight>
£184.00</TD></TR><TR><TD class=tdRight>Online Discount</TD><TD class=tdRight>
£49.37</TD></TR><TR><TD class="tdRight totalRow tdBottom totalRow">
You Pay</TD><TD class="tdBottom tdRight totalRow">
<SCRIPT type=text/javascript>//<![CDATA[$("#breakdownRepairCover").click(updateQuote);//]]></SCRIPT>